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Everything posted by jman

  1. Yeah... I used to continous spar in the NBL and SKIL... but then i find that the NBL went downhill..... a bunch of tournoments pulled out and the judges got really bad.... other things too of which i do not feel like naming
  2. Its not really spinning the kamas... its more like opening your hand and letting it twirl back and then pulling it back forward... just really really fast.... if thats what you mean by spinning
  3. i like the kamas....
  4. I do not like Tae Kwon Do. My friend always trys to get me to join but i do not like the high kicks. I study an okinawan style similar to shotokan. Another reason i dont like TKD is because they have to use chest pads. I've been disqualified from one of their tournoments because of excessive force and because i did "improper" techniques. I did a sidekick and didn't pull it back fully.
  5. I've got a set of bright orange gear from Shihan. They catch the eye of pretty much anyone that sees them/
  6. I wear white. It goes with any Gi that I wear. Sport or tradational. So Im sticking with white. MACHO WARRIOR!
  7. I've seen parents run into the ring when their kids got a bad score in Kata. One boy fell and the judges deducted points for it. The mom got mad and charged into the ring yelling and screaming becuase he didn't get a higher score... messed up eh?
  8. Woah there.. I'm a blackbelt in my style... why does it have me as a whitebelt?
  9. Whats been up with Supergrands? I used to fight NBL but I've been dissapointed with the judging.
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