You think they would make a replica of the Elektra sais. Considering they have made replicas for all of the lord of the rings movies. inc: bows, arrows, swords, daggers. Not to mention the Blade and killbill movies. By the way sorry for being blunt in my last reply. It's just, way to often i see the same thing happen. It's just a guy/girl who badly wants to get an answer and everyone just searches to find a way to prevent them from getting the infomation they want. I know everyone has an oppinion but you shouldn't be so: my opinion is the only correct one, and you have to go by it! : I dunno whether you actually intend that, but thats what comes across to me. Her sais are so kool and flashy. They are one of the nicest weapons i've seen. And yeh yeh i know it dosen't matter bout the apperence, but they are kool!!!