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Son Goku the monkeyking

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Everything posted by Son Goku the monkeyking

  1. I was wandering, how do I do goood steet fighter combos especially the flashy ones. I tried the comand list but that just confused me with all of it's symbols. please respond Holla
  2. Well which do you think is the best nanto or hokuto, and don't just say hokuto because it is the style that ken does. 2. also which do you think is the most affective between the two. 3. are the two styles even real martial arts style's. HOLLA
  3. No, but the only one with a penchant for profuse use of capital letters and a superabundant smattering of smile - Shorin Ryuu VERY FUNNY SHORIN RYUU HA HA SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. I whant a pair of sai's for the holidays, but not just some normal sai's, I whant some fancy looking ones. Does anyone have some fancy looking sai's, how do they look, and where did you get them. Holla
  6. Is Hokdoshinkin a real presure point fighting art. I am asking after watcing fist of the north star, and saw there pressure point figting so what do you all suppose. Holla
  7. I whould say the best style for fighting in a street fight is any style of kungfu( because you will be able to beet them up, and scare them away with a fancy Kata or move set) Or Jeet Kune Do because Bruce Lee made especially for street fighting, and made it out of many other styles. HOLLA
  8. I know what you are talking about, when I got my second belt the instructors said that they whould teach me to sparr well and thay just started this passed tuesday. But do not be frustrated, he will teach you new moves trust me. And as for how to ask him to teach you now moves without being pestering, trick him into teaching you new things like asking him to show you how to do something but do not do it over and over and over again because he WILL start to get angry. HOLLA
  9. Has anyone ever seen a anime called Azu Manga Daioh, how did you like it and what did you like about it . HOLLA
  10. what level of posts do I have to be at before I get to orange belt level on this sight. Holla
  11. I was wandering, sence Christmas is about two weeks away what do a lot of you whant for Christmas. For me it is MANDETORY for me to get Mortal Kombat: deception sence it know has a story mode so I will not be confused about what is going on. Anyway what do you all whant for Christmas. Holla _________________________________ remember don't pick on nerds you might work for them one day: Bill Gates
  12. I think you should stick to what you know with the Bo staff. Mostly because you are going to do it at school and even if you are giving a demo most schools do not like people to bring swords there, BELIEVE ME my friend almost got expelled for bring in a broad sword for a kata so you might just whant to stick with the staff. HOLLA
  13. What is Kava my mom told me that it is some martial art taught to soldiers in some other country dose anyone have any info on it. holla
  14. One time I was sparring with a little girl in my class who is about six. I accidently kicked herein the head because a was aiming her stomach. Well she was alot more violent than I thought, and she got a little angry with me, so she ran back to the other side of the dojo and said " now for my special techinique", so I wated for her to run toup to me because I thought it was just going to be a jump kick . she ran up to me and stoped, swung her arms in a crazy way saying "wah" like Bruce Lee then stoped extremly fast and front kicked me in a surtain area I don't wish to say. But you can guess by the name of my post. All I can say is that I was in a lot of pain for a while and thought I would need a splint. HOLLA
  15. I have the exact same problem with a this kid in my class He alway is talking some s##t to someone, BUT hecan not fight at all, litterally 80% of the kids in my class have beeten him up and he still be talking and ssaying how he will beat somebody up , heck the teacher want to beat his A##. so today this same skinney as a stick boy whas saying that I was WEAK When everyone knows he is the class personal punching bag. earlier this school year I got in trouble for punching him so hard he could hardly stand BUT he did start it by hitting me first and may parents always said if someone hits you hit them back the point is I can easily see that you could want to knock out people who talk alot of mess and I simpithise with you.
  16. okay I just want to know how to use a form in a fight. I know you are taught it to learn your moves but how do you fight with them. I have seen them used in video games like Jet Lee rise to honor or in movie like Kill Bill vol 1,2 can someone please tell me how to use them in a fight AND IF ANY OF YALL HAVE USED THEM IN A FIGHT ( ESPECIALY FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE BLACK BELTS AND BLACK SASHES) THIS IS REALLY FRUSTURATING ME PLEASE RESPOND HOLLA
  17. I played the Naruto fighting video game when I went to the cleavland collosall anime convention. It was a lot of fun and I was wondering where I could get it If there are any Naruto fans out there or people who whent to the convention. can anyone tell me where I can get a copy, even though it is in japanese. please respond Holla
  18. Okay good laugh now what I ment was has anyone ever one a tournament ? Holla
  19. Anyone ever seen a very gory anime called Fist of the North star ? in it they use a hole lot of power point fighting. Holla
  20. what are some good martial arts video games any of you have played. Holla
  21. Has anyone here ever studied eagle claw style kungfu. I heard that it is one of the most deadly styles of kungfu ever created ? what do you guys think. Holla
  22. Has anyone here ever one a tournament by themself ? Holla
  23. I do not know if he has a website because I only see him once every few weeks. I don't think he has a web site because he just opened up not to long ago. Holla
  24. to whom it may concern how was your thanksgiving please reply.
  25. I say a good move to follow up with would be a nice elbow or a low toe kick. you might also want to check and what is concidered a penalty before you go in to fight. HOLLA
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