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Dojo Dan

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Everything posted by Dojo Dan

  1. In addition to word of mouth is actual written Testimonials. Put those on your advertisments & website if applicable. They do wonders!!
  2. 5-6 is fine for sparring, as long as they know your RULES, and wear protective gear. Always try to pair up like sized kids and abilities if possible. Try to avoid boy vs girl at this age if possible also, avoids additonal conflicts
  3. just acknowledge and thank them is fine.
  4. If your school is not using a Web site, then you are missing out. If you website is properly designed and optimized for search engines, then you can target your geographic area. These days, the majority of consumers would rather look up information on the web, then have to make a phone call. If you don't have a web site, are not cross promoting your website, you are simply losing business. Pro of a website: Exposure Publicity Customer service Sales ( if you run a store) Information "sales Pitch" Advertisment, promotion, Marketing Learning tool- practice sheets etc. Income producer ( if you know what you are doing) environmentally sound ( save trees by not printing out handouts) Show testimonals Way to congradulate students etc. Con's of a Website: Cost Time Learning curve etc. You have to face the reality of the world we are in, the Internet is here and is only getting larger. Someone said why do I need someone from China to see my page. If someone from china is viewing your page, it means you haven't set up your keywords and meta tags correctly to market your geographical area. Next to the Yellow page, even better than the yellow pages I would say, a website is a neccessity.
  5. If the moderaters and amin don't mind: Like the Martial Arts Library thread, have you come across some good websites with MA articles, technigues, demo-video's (free), PDF's anything that is FREE, that could be an online resource? Post the links and a description ( If the Admin/ Moderaters don't mind ) -DD "Share the knowledge, spread the weatlth"
  6. Fortunately for me that happens alot, As white belts the children as you know, know nothing. The need to be molded. I forgot who mentioned it in a post about, but trying to give individual attention to each student is a must. What I have done in these types of situations, is to MOVE and Talk. After i demonstrate a technigue, I am constantly moving between the "lines" while calling out the repetative commands. I make "eye contact" with every student and say an ecouraging word or give them the thumbs up sign or even just a smile. I do stop alot to correct, but keep moving. When you have a bunch of "white belts", you need to have Handouts, or video's available or something to re-inforce your training technigues. They need to be assigned "homework" to practice. I have produced my own video's for technigues and have been able to sell then for just a tad bit over cost. It's amazing how well that works, and how much better the classes run. But what do I know..LOL -DD
  7. The Sandman's advice was 100% correct. Also, your Location is important as well. What is the "competition" in the area where you wish to open your dojo? If there are other Dojo's close to your area, it will be hard to tap into that market, even if your style is totally different. A suggestion before even attampting to open up a dojo, would be to have a "following first". Others have mentioned it in their posts above, but it makes things so much easier to start your own business when you have a "ready made clientel" (sp) List. You may want to consider attempting to start a Program Teaching at a Local YMCA, Church, or Gym. That way you don't have the Overhead of the DOJO rent etc. You can build up a student base, make some money in the mean time and when the timing is right get the Building. Working with the YMCA etc route, you can offer your services and charge a fee as a percentage based upon the amount of kids you teach. That way you make money, the "building or Sponsor" also makes money. It's a Win-Win and a great start towards your goal!! Ps. Besides the Rent and Office space bills, Advertisment and Insurance will be your biggest cost. I would almost rank it 1) Insurance 2) Advertisment 3) Rent 4) Operating business expense So 2k a month is not out of the picture in fixed costs to run a DOJO. -DD
  8. Great thread!! This was one of the topics I was questioning myself. I got a ton of great ideas for my group of Young ones!! Thanks DD
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