Alright, this is an odd post, but I really have no idea who else to consult about this. I need help deciding on whether I was in the right or not. It's about midnight. My brother (20), his friend (19), and I (18.) were returning from a movie, when we noticed the car next to ours had had its front window smashed in and its stereo stolen. I was the only one with a cell phone, so I offered to call the police. The boys thought it would be easier to just go back to the theatre and find a security guard. So I offered to stay with the car in case the owner returned. My brother refused, seeing as I was a girl and the youngest. My independent feminism went off, and I was mad. I have been taking tai kwan do for about month now, and before that I studied hap ki do techniques for three months, so needless to say I knew how to defend myself better than my brother's friend who stayed instead. As we drove back to the theatre, I offered to go find the security guard. My brother refused again, saying I didn't have enough experience in this sort of thing. Now I was livid, and I got out of the car anyway and walked towards the theatre to report the break in, all the while my brother yelling at me to come back (he couldn't follow because he was in the no parking zone). After reporting the incident, I got back to the car, and we argued about it. My brother argued that I had to obey him because he was older and my authority, I argued back that his being older didn't qualify him to order me around like he was my father. Was I in the right in this situation? I understand that my brother just wanted to protect me by making me come with him to the theatre, but I was insulted that he had so little confidence in my skills and knowledge. I need an outsiders opinion on this, replies would be welcomed.