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myosim's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. It's a funny tale, no doubt. And bad plan on the part of the instructor to not pay more attention as people are hitting him. But I have to say, your 5 year old is not ready to start training. If his goal to hurt people is so great that he breaks the ground rules of an exercise, he shouldn't be in class. At the very least, I hope the instructor made him do more pushups than he count. I'd have ejected him from class. But then again, I refuse to teach kids.
  2. Again the problem with getting 3rd hand information from a cop. Which by the way does not qualify them to make legal assessments like this. "My mom is a Georgia State Patrol officer and here we are allowed to defend ourselves to the full extent of our potential." Yes chambering the arm does constitute assault(although not battery) which does then open the door for reasonable force. But "the full extent of our potential"? Deadly force or mailicious wounding are not reasonable responses for someone throwing a punch at you. For that matter an aggravated assault charge is a likely outcome. Ask the Boston hockey dad if you can defend yourself to the full extent of your potential.
  3. He respects you until he deems you"Dishonored Fallen Knights...who do not speak the Truth " and then not only does he stop training you but he puts you on some sort of hall of shame. I can envison refusing to train students(though I never have had to) but to put their names on a list and post it on my website?? Talk about petty.
  4. never having trained there I can't speak to the quality of the training but I reecommend you take a look at the black belt tree page of the Pesare link before you do anything else. The number of 7th 8th and 9th degree blackbelts was stunning compared to only 1 first degree but the really bothersome stuff was: "At the annual Black Belt reunion, Grandmaster Pesare may, at his discretion promote a non Kaito Gakko student to the rank of Black Belt. Although rare, only loyal students of honor are afforded this privilege. This special rank means that the individual did not undergo the 3 day Knighthood Black Belt Test and apprenticeship.... Dishonored Fallen Knights...who do not speak the Truth Robert Ryan Paula Pucino ... The following will remain 1st Degree Black Belts for Eternity: Pat Azarian Robert Barber Peter Vierra ..." The whole knight crap frightens me but the dishonoured fallen knights list?!?! You couldn't pay me to train with these guys.
  5. not actually new here but my pw doesn't seem to work and I have changed emails so can't get my old user id myosimka to work. But thanks That is the case in question. The resolution was that the court found that the instructor had made a reasonable decision within the direct threat exception. He also had made a good faith effort to provide training. So the court ruled in favor of the instructor. Yeah!! Just sucks that he had to defend himself against this suit. TKD_McGee-shouldn't be allowed to train??? That attitude is the reason that this suit was filed. The parents went too far but they have to contend with that sort of thing regularly. Other people need to be made aware of the risk but to ban people from training?? Prevent them from sparring-ok. but ban them from training? And where do you draw the line then? Can they be chefs? Cut hair? Yes, there are limits but ban them from training? Compromise dude. Private training and invite other people to attend these smaller sessions with more direct instruction with the caveat that there is an HIV pos student.
  6. This actually happened near my neck of the woods and it ticked me off beyond belief for a number of reasons. 1) The teacher offered private lessons. Not mentioned in that site is that he offered them at the same rate as group classes. I personally feel that the instructor went above and beyond to accomodate this child. 2) The parents lied on the application. That in itself should be grounds to reject him once it is found out. They placed the school and instructor in a dangerous legal position without letting him know. 3) People aside from MA instructors determining who is fit to take a class. The treating physician signed off on this without actually finding out what class entailed.(I recently had a student pass out on the first day of class after standing in learning to make a fist and standing in a horse stance for all of 5 min. and even that 5 min was not continuous. Apparently she is prone to blackouts and in high school a doctor told her it was 'no big deal' so she feels she is fit to participate in MA including sparring.) 4) I have seen students bleed all over one another including one instance where a punch to the mouth cut the puncher's knuckles. Any disease come of it? No. but I certainly think that there is a risk(insignificant maybe but still there) And knowing how parents feel about their kids demanding that this kid be in the general class could have seriously hurt his business. I don't think testing should be mandatory. But the other participants in the class have a right to know if a student is HIV positive. I have no problem working out with HIV-pos individuals or teaching them but I would offer private lessons as did this instructor. It's a risk I can assume for myself, not others.
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