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iron duckee

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    tsoi li ho fut hung ga
  • Location
    city of angels

iron duckee's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. you learn timing by practicing your "moves" on an opponent who "reacts" at varying speeds -- although, not actually making contact (or just barely). concerning distance training, a great deal of our lessons is taught by "approaching" our opponents at different angles and varying distances and at the same time, performing a move.
  2. ehhh .. a bit fishy-smelling here, eh? that is, being taught by jimmy woo and all. you must be a pretty old 13 year old=]
  3. i agree. anything comfortable to work out in would be best. but suffice it to say, having a kf suit would be a nice aesthetic addition..
  4. is woolsey even still around? i heard he's running a very successful landscaping business.
  5. i don't think there's gonna be many 1st gen students trained by mr woo. anyhow, who do you currently train under?
  6. those actually look pretty nice. but seeing that it's made of a light-weight (cotton) material, i'm not sure if it would be good to work out in. we do a lot of grabbing and grappling. so mike, can you tell if it's a material that can be worked out with? also, in the picture, the suit looks a bit shiny and reflective. is it like that seeing it in person?
  7. yah, you're right. how could i forget. gee, i am so americanize now.
  8. does anyone know of an internet vendor that sells good, quality white kung fu uniforms? preferably of all cotton material or a 50/50 blend. i've googled around and found a few vendors. but i'm a bit reluctant to order from any of them. so i figured i'd ask around and see if anyone here might own a quality pair and know of where to purchase one. here's a few of the vendors i've found; and hopefully someone might have good experience with them : http://www.bltsupplies.com/sunifkf.html http://solidfitness.com/martialarts/kungfu.htm http://sdksupplies.netfirms.com/cat_karateuniforms.htm http://www.maols.com/id68.htm p.s. trivial note -- you would think there would be many more white kung fu uniforms, but the vast majority sell black only. anyways, appreciate it if anyone could help.
  9. if it's just going to be for occasional riding, i'd say get the rice rocket. since, it'll be a thrill each time you ride. however, if it's going to be your main, sole transportation, get a cruiser or something comfortable. if you were going to opt for the rice rocket, have you an idea of what to get..? personally, i cbr's. the street fighter sv650 is also really nice. as for a harley, i prefer that new vrod. that thing is sWEET -- http://a1276.g.akamai.net/7/1276/734/823b441d37d816/www.harley-davidson.com/PR/MOT/2004/VRSC/images/DOM/img_VRSC_VRSCB_r_e_C01.jpg
  10. In 1986, the People's Republic of China standardized the salute for Wushu. This standard salute is basically the same as the salute used by Northern Shaolin. The right hand is clenched in a fist. The left hand thumb is bent, and the four fingers are stacked and straight. The palm of the left hand is placed over the fist. Both fist and palm are about 20 to 30 cm from the chest, with both elbows bent and the arms forming a circle. The hands are held at chest height. The feet are together with the knees straight. The posture is erect and the eyes are focused on the person who is being saluted. The most common explanation of the symbolism of the salute is that the fist shows martial ability and the hand covers the fist to show civility. The modern PRC definition states that the right fist demonstrates that you are pledged to the cultivation of the martial arts, and are using martial arts to make friends. The left hand thumb is bent out of humility. Chinese people will point to themselves with their thumb instead of their index finger, as westerners do. A straightened thumb, like the western thumb's up gesture means "I'm number one!" to a Chinese. Therefore, the bent thumb means that that you are not number one. Even if you are, proper martial etiquette would demand that you be too humble to admit it. The four fingers symbolize uniting Wushu across the four seas (or directions).
  11. another thing to ask is, should one hand be closed and covering the other (fist), or should that hand be flat and placed flush against the the knuckles..?
  12. just wondering what the proper, "formal" kung salute is..? i've heard/read many different variations .. right open-hand grabbing left closed fist; left open hand perpendicular to right closed fist. also, differences with the left kick stance being forward and the right kick stance forward. here's a couple of examples below : There exists a precise symbology bind to the salute. At first the left closed fist denoted struggle, freedom, while the right open hand meant peace and respect for freedom. The union of these symbols is uprightness, human justice, personal freedom while fully respecting the rights of the others, but without servilely bowing, and the humility of recognizing one's mistakes. Furthermore the left fist is closed because the left arm is the way to the heart. -- The salute is performed by stepping forward with your right foot into a right kick stance as your right hand comes across the front of your body in a fist to meet your left hand at your heart. The left hand forms a C and covers the right fist as both hands are presented to your front center. The arms form a circle. The right hand held in a fist represents your weapon, the left hand covers as the sheath. The interpretation is, "here is my weapon, it is put away, out of trust and respect". The right foot forward represents putting your best foot forward. any insight would be appreciated. thanks.
  13. some instructional san soo videos for any/all to consume.. http://martialarts.etotalsource.com/default.asp?c=999&t=3&ts=1 the site contains everything from forms, combos, throws, to leverages, sweeps, and knife defense..
  14. something else to factor in is whether both sides are accompanied by large groups. consequently, that 1 on 1 fight may inevitably end up in a mass group mayhem, should someone interfere from either side's group..
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