My son has been getting harassed at school for a few months. The school does not seem to want to do much about it so I feel it is time to take the next step and teach my son to defend himself since it is starting to get violent. He's a small boy, which of course makes him a target for this sort of thing, so I was thinking some close contact forms like Judo or Jujitsu that focus on grappling and ground fighting might best fit him. I considered Krav Maga but I just want him to be able to defend himself not break someone's neck...he's only 7 years old and teaching him that seems a bit irresponsible to me right now. I do know that in his training I want him to have actual contact. I think he needs to learn what it feels like to hit a person instead of kicking at the air and what it feels like to take a hit as well. At the same time I want to make sure he doen't get beat up more at class than on the playground. I also want to make sure he learns how to diffuse a situation before resorting to violence. He's very smart and learns quickly, and has a pretty muscular build. He's built like a fire hydrant. More than anything else he needs to learn to fight in a way that will enable him to protect himself in reality and not just in a tournament setting where there are rules, and pads. My questions are: Given his small size what form of art would you suggest? How do I go about researching schools and checking their qualifications? We live in Phoenix so almost all forms are available to least I would assume. What things should I look out for in a school that should raise a red flag? What can I do as a father to help him learn? Any help would be appreciated.