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  • Martial Art(s)
    Isshin Ryu

HavinFun's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Sasori_te I have no reason not to believe Master Angi's story as he has told it.. or as you called it Hype. I have no reason to not beleive he trained under master shimabuku as well as with Kichiro's until his split and forming of O.I.K.K.A. (as for the number one student.. who knows... all I know is he thought he was ) One only needs to spend a few minutes looking to find multiple versions of the same story...all different(if you believe Kichiro was forging his father's signature , I guarntee you won't find that in the teachings of his system) . For me I go by what Master Angi has said in writing and thats the fact checking I have done... The point was to try and answer some of your original questions... not debate about wether one style is more advanced then another, only to pass on what I was taught... be it politically correct of not... Thank you for the insight on Sanchin... We do perform the Punches with a twist btw.
  2. Many People receive inspiration from a dream As for 2 six grade educations.... well the roots of Isshin ryu are heavily entrenched in Gojo-ryu/Shorin ryu... it is not 100% of each... 100% education in one makes you stronger in one 50/50 education in each opens up your mind... and always leaves room for learning.... Simplifiyng the system is a good part of Isshin Ryu Karate.... Not sure what being more advanced system has to do with the actual system, Isshin Ryu is not gojo ryu...its straight infightting, quick snapping techniques (yes we even circluar block)are effective, and it willingness to be adaptable to other styles make it effective. and these are the people that continue to support and grow Isshinryu. I have not seen the differences of Sanchin kata from Isshin ryu to Gojo Ryu... We use it as a kata to develop inner strength and Breathing... what do you feel is missing from the isshinryu kata to not achive that goal?
  3. As an IsshinRyu student under maser Angi lineage I will pipe in here Sasori_Te you said chain is.. both systems started from the same root.
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