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Everything posted by Patrick.S

  1. Thanks to all that answered. I appreciate every hint, to a official (listed) school or other. Of course I would be very glad if I can find a Kuk Sool Won Dojang or practioneer there (near Eden Prairie) but I appreciate and honor of course every kind of martial artist who would give me the possibility to train together. thanks patrick.
  2. Thanks a lot I will give GM Warner a call as soon as I'm in the states and have a bit time. Your support is very appreciated.
  3. Hopefully this is the correct forum to post this... from Jun, 1st to Jun, 5th I will be in Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 and I'm looking for a Kuk Sool Won school or student to train together during that time. with best regards, patrick.
  4. That sounds quite interesting... Would You mind to explain (if You like)? Yes, thats my basic intention for this book. Additionally my KJN starts in the early '70ties. And I hope to see the techniques in that book to be quite similar to his versions. Yes, coincidently someone in a german MA forum just offers his version of that book (For a reasonable price of 80,- Eur). So I take this as a wink and buy the book. Very intersting, could You tell me some more informations about this? Like... - Title - is it (has it been) availible in english or only korean? Yes, I read the 12 paged bio on his website, or is there another one (written)? thanks for Your comments patrick
  5. I'm from Kwon, Kea-Hong Kwahn Jahng Nim (Germany). Hmm, You are right, there seems to be a lot of quite confusing stuff related to korean martial arts and so this even holds for KSW. Even more we have trained quite a long time with our KJN without being aware that there are other KSW practioneers (outside of Korea at least). Funny but true, we have been in a "island like situation" in Germany (in terms for KSW) for quite a time.
  6. Yes I, googled for "Kuk Sool Won Book" or "Curriculum" and found Kimm KJN Homepage http://www.hanmudo.com/ And there is a quite detailed bio of him. From Page 8 onward there are some informations about the relation of Kimm KJN and Kuk Sa Nim/Kuk Sool Won. Yes, for reference and for historical reasons. It seems that this has been written in cooperation/under the supervision of KSN. So I assume that this book contains a kind of "official" snapshot of the KSW curriculum from the late '70ties. Well, I stick with my Kwahn Jahng Nim for training. Books confuse me most of the time. Thanks for Your comment. patrick.
  7. Hello, does anyone know this book? "Kuk Sool Korean Martial Arts" by Kimm, He-Young As far as I hear, it should be a very complete description of early Kuk Sool Won Syllabus (published 1985) from 10 Kup up to 5th Dan. But is is quite expensive and a not so easy to buy. So I would like to hear some oppinions or reviews if possible. thanks, patrick.
  8. So this is my first post here... I would be interested what You consider as criteria of quality for an martial arts association. I think that most of these associations are also represants of a stlye. I could think of things like... - Preserving the stlyle / kind of purity of essence - the size (number of schools/members doing only this stlye) - the age (how can be the age of a stlye determined?) - financial background I would be interested in Your opinions.
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