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Everything posted by Curt_NSMA

  1. Sorry it took so long to reply, Had to get stuff ready for school, and lost the net for abit. Anyway No I didn't take my top, they wouldn't allow the Testing. So I competed with Sanchin anyway. What shocked me the most is that the Centre Ref Called me up after my Kata, and said he hasn't seen Sanchin done in years and he enjoyed it and said I should be very proud. Also around here there are only 2 Divisions, until Black Belt. There is Musical and "Open" (open allows anything except weapons) and Musical just started in mid-late 2004 around here. I just wanted to see how a Traditinal Kata such as Sanchin would hold up against todays forms, I think it went well. Who Knows if I decide to go to the National Team Try-outs again, Ill enter in to the Traditional Hard Style or the Open Division and do Sanchin with Testing. Because everyone there is mostlt Sport Karate and haven't seen very much of the Traditional side. Curt
  2. Well I competed yesterday, but my instructor wasn't allowed to do a Testing. Only the centre ref could preform it. I had a Hapikado centre, he knew about Sanchin but still didn't test. He was impressed with it and was pleased to see it done once again in tournaments instead of all the flips and open kata stuff. I ended up getting 4th, I still think that the testing would have made it more "impressive". Thanks for everyone's input, hopefully I will be able to do Sanchin with testing at a tournament. Curt
  3. Thank you for your reply. The tournament is in a couple of days (saturday, 6th) I will post the results of how I did with Sanchin with testing. Curt
  4. Thank you for your replies. Sanchin used to be done around here, but it was back when there was hardly any of the korean styles around. So you almost always ended up with all Karate-ka as judges. So I just wanted to know what some of the reactions would be from the other styles who aren't familiar with the Kata.
  5. This is a question to all the martial artist who judge or who have judged kata. I am competing with the Goju Kata, Sanchin. I was wondering do you give a higher score when the students instructor, (Or an instructor of a brother school) enters the ring and performs a Sanchin Test (also called a Shime I believe?) Or do you score it the same if they just do the form. All the judges will *NOT* be Goju people, there will be Dahn Moo Do and other korean stylists there as well. The reason I wanted to know is because Ive seen Sanchin done maybe twice in competition in the past 3 years, and I've competed on the local, regional and national levels, and have never seen it done with someone bowing into the ring and perform a testing.
  6. Hi, I am new to karateforums.com, But I also take Goju. But it is a mixture of Goju styles. We have influences from Yamaguchi Goju (I.K.G.A.), Okinawan Goju, and Sensei Bob Degleish's Canadian Goju, and Jiu-Jitsu.
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