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Everything posted by isshinryushodan

  1. I wouldnt say that the isshinryu syatem was turned over to just one person. I have spent alot of time with both of the masters, and have trained with both several times. Both are still very traditional,and i feel that during that training i was training from master shimabuku as well.
  2. master shimabuku also had a third instructor by the name of choki motobu. master kichiro & uezu take equal part in the role of okinawan isshinryu. master harold long and master don nagel brought isshinryu to the states in the mid to late 60's
  3. I was pleaed to see this subject arise. In our dojo we strongly promote bunkai. there are 2 different types. formal and informal. this is a wonderful learning tool for both the student and instructor. I think this is where, once you are a upper rank, you put your own spin on things. Not changing the traditional way, but putting a little spice and zip into your own style. I think you honestly cover all of the basics and then some with practice of bunkai.
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