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Everything posted by Kato

  1. Goju Ryu Karate 5th Kyu -- Green with black stripe I'm 21 yrs old [ This Message was edited by: Kato on 2002-04-02 17:47 ]
  2. I have trained barefoot and with Karate shoes and I have to say that I prefer using the shoes. IMHO there is no real benefit to going barefoot, all it does is place unnecessary stress on your ankles and knees and leaves you open to things like planters warts. My sensei wears them and so does about half the people in the dojo. However this type of thing really comes down to personal preference and what the individual is most comfortable with.
  3. I'm a University student and I have part time job in a photo lab.
  4. We do some board breaking for fun but it is not a requierment on any of the belt tests.
  5. http://www.yorkkarate.com/Terminology/York_Karate_Terminology.htm This sight has a list of Karate terminologys that might be usefull.
  6. I think the idea here is that if your attacker gets stabbed while you are struggling for the knife that is one thing. But if you disarm them (removing the threat of the knife) and then decide to stab them...then you are using excessive force. Remember the principle behind most self defence laws in most places is that you can only use the minimum amount of force necessary to keep yourself from being injured or killed...and if running is a viable option then legally that is what you are supposed to do.
  7. If your traveling by car I would suggest keeping them in the trunk...That way if you get stopped nobody can accuse you of caring a concealed weapon. If you are flying keeping them in your checked luggage should be fine. If you are traveling to a foreign country make sure that the weapons you have are legal in that country before you go, some places have restrictions on the length of blades etc. [ This Message was edited by: Kato on 2002-01-25 10:13 ]
  8. Kato

    Goju Ryu

    Sancin realy is, as SaiFightsMS said, is a deceptive Kata I have found that I can do the patern for the most part, However I think it will take a long time before I truly appreciate it [ This Message was edited by: Kato on 2001-12-28 15:01 ]
  9. Kato

    A Question

    Goju has also taught me to rotate on my toes...for essentaly the same reasons that Karateka gave
  10. Kato


    I have an 11 yr old Cat named Ozzie.....Cuz he's an Ossie Cat (thats his breed). He is tan with brown spots
  11. Kato

    Goju Ryu

    yup I've done Sanchin
  12. hee hee it looks that way But actualy it looks like ramcalgary edited his post and compleatly changed the topic after TKD_McGee posted.....When I first read this thread it was asking for training tips
  13. Sounds like a rip off to me...just for comparison it costs $100 Canadian where I train to test for 1st degree black belt.
  14. Kato

    Goju Ryu

    Hey,Joecooke007 I also take Goju Ryu....Its nice to see another practitioner on the board
  15. Hey, Angus thanks for the Info
  16. Angus, What did you find unrealistic about GoJu? This isn't meant to start an argument or anything I'm just curious [ This Message was edited by: Kato on 2001-11-29 21:27 ]
  17. Hey, Joecooke007 It's nice to see another Go-Ju ryu practitioner on the board Anyway I've been told that it takes about 5yrs to reach 1st Dan in our dojo. We train 3 days a week for an hour and a half.
  18. In that situation I think my main goal would be to dissarm the offender. As has already been pointed out using someones own wepond against them can get you into legal difficulties that are probably not worth it. Of course if a life or death situation and the only safe way out was to use the atackers wepond against them then that would be a different story. At that point I'd do it and take my chances with a jury
  19. Here in Toronto the best stations in imo are 102.1 The edge for music CFRB 1010 for News
  20. Hey Foreverlearning, its nice to see another DKI student on the bord, for a while I thought I was the only one [ This Message was edited by: Kato on 2001-10-20 21:16 ]
  21. This is true. When these kinds of jobs are turned over to the company with the lowest bid it is no wonder the quality of the protection suffers. I know I would be reluctant to but my safty and posibly my life on the line for $7.50/hrs. As taezee pointed out if we want quality protection we are going to have to be willing to spend the money.
  22. tsk tsk tsk how could I have been so sorely misunderstood. TKD_McGee you seem to be under the impression that I'm advocating peace and negotiation with potential hijackers, I'm not. All I'm saying is that if it comes to a shoot out on an aircraft I would rather have a trained air marshal, with law enforcement experience, protecting me then a pilot with a gun. Pilots are trained to fly aircraft and they do that very well but THEY ARE NOT COPS and they should not try to be. Anyway I go through my position on this topic in detail in a post I made on page one of this thread, so I will not bother to rehash the whole thing here. Suffice it to say I think there are better ways to handle this then giving pilots guns. [ This Message was edited by: Kato on 2001-10-20 20:44 ]
  23. I have to agree with Kickbutt. Pilots should leave hijackers to trained law enforcement officers, who do this as a full time job. The placement of well trained airmarshels on air craft is preferable to arming pilots.
  24. Mine is May 21, 1980
  25. I'm better right handed, but can go left if put to it for most things
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