CloudDragon - Excellent advice, thanks for taking the time to respond. I really like the idea of joining a practical shooting club. Makes great sense. As far as E&E goes, a couple of weeks ago I requested to be sent to SERE level C instead of the level B they teach here at Ft. Rucker as a part of the flight school curriculum. I was turned down for unknown reasons but was told to try again after I finish Level B. Level B teaches the Survival and Evasion part and level C includes the Resistance and Escape portion. I've heard from those who have attended that it is excellent training although a little brutal at times. My fellow classmates thought I was crazy to volunteer to go but I think it could be invaluable. I'm very ignorant about Martial Arts so I have no idea what Krav, Maga, Kenpo (I've heard of this one), or BJJ are. I will look them up here shortly and see what I can find. Thanks again for the help.