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AeroScout's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Cloud Dragon, Thanks for the info. I will definitely look into those resources. I've been talking to some of my classmates about the idea of becoming proficient H2H fighters. Most seem very interested in the idea and I could probably drum up some workout buddies wherever I am sent next. maybe after a CQC course and a few months in a structured "traditional" MA class, I would feel confident to do some self-training. Thanks a bunch! AS
  2. Did a little research this morning and really like the looks of Krav Maga for my needs. The problem is going to be availability of schools. Apparently, after the Jennifer Lopez movie that came out recently in which she was trained in Krav Maga, it has become quite popular. However, there are very few schools around the country as of yet. Of the more popular styles of Martial Arts, which is closest to Krav Maga? Thanks. AS
  3. CloudDragon - Excellent advice, thanks for taking the time to respond. I really like the idea of joining a practical shooting club. Makes great sense. As far as E&E goes, a couple of weeks ago I requested to be sent to SERE level C instead of the level B they teach here at Ft. Rucker as a part of the flight school curriculum. I was turned down for unknown reasons but was told to try again after I finish Level B. Level B teaches the Survival and Evasion part and level C includes the Resistance and Escape portion. I've heard from those who have attended that it is excellent training although a little brutal at times. My fellow classmates thought I was crazy to volunteer to go but I think it could be invaluable. I'm very ignorant about Martial Arts so I have no idea what Krav, Maga, Kenpo (I've heard of this one), or BJJ are. I will look them up here shortly and see what I can find. Thanks again for the help.
  4. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to respond. Vito - your comments on the service are much appreciated. Delta1 is right about the situation I fear the most. Basically being pulled from a balled up helicopter by folks that will pass me around for a few weeks then saw my head off on camera. In the past, being passive was your best shot at making it out of a POW situation alive. Now, it seems the best course of action is to remain passive until that one explosive moment when you see a weakness and make your best effort to escape. Having some sort of training would not only boost a persons confidence but help them to recognize a weakness when it presents itself. This is not the movies so I realize that even a very well trained person still has a slim chance of making it out, but a slim chance is better than no chance at all. Delta1 - Could you clarify "MT" and "BJJ"? Thanks. AS
  5. First off, thanks to you all for your replies and advice. I will keep in mind what you say about what to look for. I completed Basic Training 10 years ago and it had an incredible 1 day of hand to hand combat training. Extremely Ineffective to say the least. One thing I can tell you for certain is that in an Aviation Unit, if you go to the Training Officer and request a hand to hand combat training program be established, you will meet some serious resistance. Not to say I will not try but just keeping Aviators competent in their war time mission is quite a challenge in itself. As far as Survival Evasion Resistance and Escape (SERE) school goes, I will be heading there within 2 months. I still have to finish the last phase of flight training first. As for the CQC Courses, I will look into that for sure but would like to follow on with a discipline I can continue with on a regular basis. One with emphasis on real world first and foremost but with ways to continue to progress and challenge myself. What do you think of Tai Kwon-do? I seem to remember seeing a school in Federal Way Washington that touted Tai Kwon-Do as one of the more combative disciplines. This was 10 years ago and I went into the Army before starting the program. Thanks again for the comments and I will begin researching your suggestions. I look forward to hearing some more opinions. AS
  6. This site looks like a great place to get the advice I need so here goes. I'm currently about to graduate from Army flight school and will no doubt be heading to the middle east within the next couple of years. I fly OH-58D Kiowa Warriors which are always in the thick of things over there. The beheading of foreigners by Zarqawi's group has got me to thinking about what I would do if I was shot down and faced with a situation where my only chance of survival was hand to hand combat with a superior number of individuals. Being a Helo pilot, I have a higher than average chance of becoming a captive of this type of group and these days it appears that any American serviceman captured by these groups will have no chance of survival without somehow making an escape. This brings me to my question. In such a situation, which Martial Art would give me the best tools to have a chance of overcoming my captors and effecting an escape? I don't have any delusions about becoming Steven Seagal, able to fight my way out 200 bad guys with Ak-47s but I would like to be as well equipped as possible. Here are my stats: * 29 Years Old * 5'9" * 190lb * Decent Shape but could use to tighten up a bit. * The most inflexible person you've ever heard of, but would like to improve. Anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from someone who can shed some light on the subject. Thanks. - AS
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