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Everything posted by mattys

  1. I was looking for the sharpened pair, not the unsharpened. I realize that it would be impossible to get unsharpened hardware kamas, what would the point of them be?
  2. Does anyone know where I could get a pair. I'm not looking for sharpened american made kamas or anything, just regular old hardware store kamas from okinawa. Anyone know a site or anything (besides shureido)?
  3. While that is an excelent point, the reason why my sensei had me tape my blades was not for my own safety (actually he told me that if he could he would not have me tape them), but for the safety of the kids in the class before me. I teach at the kids class, therefore my weapons are easily accessable to the kids. I would like to trust their integrety, but unfortunatly we do have some less-disciplined kids in our class.
  4. Yeah, I cleaned it up alright. What I did was I was in the middle of a transition from the defense to offence position with the kama, and I accadentally let go when all the momentum was pushing it towards my shin. The real funny thing is that I actually had the blades duct taped, but that cut right there was only the POINT of the blade, nothing more.
  5. A word to the wise: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v243/tearsandhugs/P6200150.jpg Take a look at that and then you'll know why you should put duct tape over the blades of your kamas.
  6. Not especially. Would it perhaps measure up to my middle weight Shureido gi?
  7. We should have a chat sometime, I'd like to pick your brain sometime, I think I could learn a lot from you. PM me?
  8. I'm sorry mattys, but that's just flat out wrong. It's more the other way around. Okinawan Kenpo founder Shigeru Nakimura took a lot from Shorin-ryu. Odo, who your Sensei learned from took even more from Shorin-ryu. I'd say 90% of Okinawan Kenpo has Shorin-ryu roots. Not the other way around. Goju wasn't even around at the time and it came almost entirely from China. Neither have any roots in Okinawan Kenpo. I stand corrected! Thank you, I never actually knew that, that was just the understanding I gained from some of my sensei's lectures (though he never flat-out said it, I just kind of assumed.)
  9. I for one, am an Okinawan Kenpo practicioner, and I find it insulting to hear someone say kenpo is an ineffective art, especially considering that most modern traditional arts are offshoots of Kenpo. Take a look at Shorin-ryu, or Goju-ryu, there are techniques and kata found in these styles that have been taken from their root art, kenpo.
  10. Does anyone have any experiance with this brand?
  11. 1. always go for Shureido 2. http://shureidousa.com call them, they don't do online orders. 3. 150-200 dollars Expensive, but in my opinion, worth it. Trust me.
  12. I was wondering if anyone possessed a recording of this kata which I could download. I was taught this kata by my sensei about a year ago and recently I have found information telling me that I have been doing this kata incorrectly, though my sensei taught it to me that way. In any case, I was wondering if anyone had any videos or clips or whatever of Nakamura no Sai.
  13. I took it to the seamstress, and she said the only thing she could do was trim it, and cut off the bottom part with the ten stitches, then sew the bottom part back on. I said okay, is this going to turn out alright??
  14. I don't really do anything with the white bottom and black top. The black top I sometimes use in class when I'm the head instructor, because that's how we distinguish from everyone else, but the white bottom I don't really use.
  15. Another quick question on Shureido gis. I've had mine for a few months, so they're pretty worn. Would it be alright to wash (not dry in drier, just wash) my white and black middle weight gi togeather? It's a huge bother washing my black pants and my white top separately, and I was wondering if it would hurt my gi or the colour of either gi to wash them both togeather.
  16. Thanks. I've had my Shureido gi for a few months now, I have a black and a white middle weight (it's annoying because my dojo wears black bottoms and white tops). In any case, I plan on going heavy when I get my black, but for now I just want a gi that fits. I'm sick of rolling up the sleaves and pants.
  17. I have a Shureido middle weight gi, and instead of doing the smart thing and buying it directly from Shureido and having it custom fit, I just ordered it from a distributor, so I'm stuck with the 5 1/2 length. I was wondering if a seamstress would normally be able to hem a gi and still get those 10+ rows of stitching that I love so much on my Shureido gi. If not are there any alternatives? I don't sew much myself, nor do I have it done too often, which is why I ask.
  18. Not to bring back an old thread, but I have another question. If I were to buy a gi with an embroidery, would it be safe to shrink the gi in a hot wash?
  19. For those who have experiance with quality kamas, should I go for Shureido kama, or for Murasaki Kobudo kama? Pretty much the same price for both. Also, what size kamas should I use? From nuckle to elbow, my forearm is 15" long. By the diagram on the Murasaki Kobudo website, I'm just under 14". What size should I get?
  20. サ リ ヴ ァ ン how would this be pronounced.
  21. How do you prefer your gi to be cut, as in sleave lengths and pant legs. I personally roll my gi. My sleaves are usually just below my elbow, and my pant legs lower calf. Also, for those who wear traditional gi, where do you wear your pants? At the bellybutton? At the hips? Just curious. I'm not sure how it is traditionally worn or how it's currently worn in Japan. I'm asking this because it would be great to get some insight as to where the gi is MEANT to be worn, not just where I wear it.
  22. It's the KW/B-11 weight. I've worn my black one for about two or three months, and I only tumble dried it once, and it's heavier than that white one which I just got.
  23. Is it just me, or is the black medium weight gi heavier than the white medium weight gi?
  24. Well I decided to ask my sensei about the differences. Mainly being the leaning reverse punch/block in the beginning and the front kick instead of the side kick. He told me that we study Master Maehara's karatedo, and that what I was describing was how Master Odo did it.
  25. My real question is in why my kata looks so different. I mean the basic techniques and all are the same, but my Kusanku and his seem to be two totally different kata.
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