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Everything posted by Mark70Z

  1. Here's the problem in my opinion. Some of tournaments are going to different division like Classical/Traditional, Open, and Xtreme, i.e. NASKA circuit. The "flash" spills over into "all" the other divisions. Example, we went to the US Open in Orlando this year. In my sons traditional division there were around twenty six competitors. There were about three individuals doing a traditional form. All the rest of the forms were made up and had a bunch of yelling, high kicks, too low of stances, balancing techniques, etc. "None" of the traditional katas won. The top four seeded NASKA individuals placed 1-4 in the traditional division. I'm not saying that they weren't talented, but it wasn't even near a traditional form.
  2. Sooner: A simular thing happened here in Jacksonville, FL about a month ago. A fellow stood up for a woman and knocked the guy out who hit her. The woman didn't do anything, but when the guy woke back up, he went and stabbed the guy in the heart. I guess you have to face the consequeses if your willing to help. I hope I would help in these instances no matter what the consequences.
  3. I believe you not only have to know it, but "apply" it to your life.
  4. Just one other side note. A person can also become so involved within the Church, Bible Study, Church activities, Christian friends, etc. that they become of no earthly good. Remember the "great commission"?
  5. Mis: No problem. Christian here...and that statement kinda came out of nowhere, with no instances or examples of the Christian right. Of course I could be considered right wing, or the Christian right since I'm conservative, but some of the things you mentined I agree, i.e. Harry Potter, dancing, etc. I think some people go to the extremes on some instances. I do think that many people with weak minds would let those type things mentioned influence them, but I don't think they are, in themselves, altogether bad things.
  6. Mis: How in the world is this reminiscent of the Christian right? Please give an example rather than just a statement...
  7. jbone: Not only does "seem" that the NASKA memeber gets the nod...they do get the nod. They have the definite advantage of going last in the group of competitors; they check in with the judges to let them know they are ranked, and what their rankings are. The judges know who is ranked, etc. Here's what gets me upset. I've been to a ton of tourneys, so I do have some realistic views on what's fair and not. Like I said, the top four competitors placed 1-4. The scores were averaging in the 9.1-9.3 range. As soon as the individual that was ranked 4th in NASKA went the scores jumped up to the 9.6-9.7 range, and went up from there. There were other competitors that were better and did a better kata that day. They weren't some made up kata with a bunch of screaming. Oh..well. I guess you have to join the organization or you wont win. They also rank national NASKA people also.
  8. Melody: My son and I have been to a lot of tournaments...and the one thing we learned is what everyone else is saying, "Have Fun". We didn't start out this way, that's for sure, but thankfully that's where we are now. If you start to go to tournaments, you'll have some judges who like your kata, you'll have others who dont. All you can do is try your best and try to improve. Also, another suggestion is for someone to video your form/sparring, to see areas where you can improve. As some people have already noted, meet people. My son has met a lot of people and some now have been his friend for six or seven years. Make it an enjoyable time, to see and meet friends. Also, one more very important thing...keep your hands up when sparring (one thing we learned the hard way..a broken nose can and is painful!) The best of luck to you!!
  9. Here's the problem in the tournament setting (In my view). Yes..a lot of tournaments divide them up in traditional, open/creative, x-treme, etc., but everything becomes more of flash, not content. As an example, my son does a TMA Shorin Ryu. He competed in the US Open this past July. In the traditional forms (kata), out of the twenty six (26) competitors in his group, there were "maybe" three (3) doing a traditional form. Not one of the top four (4) that won did a traditional kata (it was a self made kata). It was more about flash and yelling than it was about the technique, fast/slow, etc. Also, by the way the individuals who placed 1-4, were also ranked 1-4 in the NASKA ratings. It seems like only the real traditional tourneys will score on the basis of what a kata should be...
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