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Everything posted by ibuki

  1. 14- ASHIHARA - modern 15- KUDO DAIDO JUKU - MMA modern
  2. How is your training goining? It's a very well known issue that in the professional and/or prestigious tournaments such as Hokutoki the fighters must use steroids in order to restore their bodies for the next training. So my question is what do you take? I'm also a competitor but in Kyokushin tournaments in Europe and I only take nutritional supplements but that's only because I'm not on the Hokutoki level for example. So it will be very useful for me and for the other competitors if you continue to share your training experience and also your restoration one. Thanks in advance and good luck in your preparation for this dream tournament (it's a dream of mine too)
  3. I'm training kyokushin at the moment.May be about three years experience with it.I've trained a little kick box and taekwon-do.And I'm training karate because I need to improve my technics in it.Actually my aims are to be a good athlete in it.I'm not training it with spiritual or etc. aims.But paradoxically I'm in a club where the trainings are not with sport aims but only for good shape but I don't want to change my club.If i change it,it will be after three years when I will go to another town to learn and may be to try another kind of style(may be judo or sambo) Have you trained anything else?What are you looking for in a martial art for yourself ?
  4. What do you think ot Kyokushikai Karate? It's the time to tell us your opinion
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