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Everything posted by jzs

  1. Jerry, If the knockouts only work in a seminar demonstration, they don't truly work, but are dangerous party tricks, where the person being knocked out literally lets the other person walk up there and hit them on the back of the neck, or wherever. Dim mak people, for example, go on and on about qi.
  2. I think a 'law' that one-touch KO's violate is a dose-response curve. We know from physics that a little tap produces little movement, while a big push produces large movement. Some people who claim to use qi seem to say that a little tap will cause large movement, and that this movement is not due to suggestable students, but actually to the 'dose' of qi.
  3. [/b] When new data comes in that sheds new light on a problem, of course we have to revise. That isn't a weakness of science; that is what makes science strong.
  4. I agree, science is not perfect, nor are scientists, and nor is science able to explain everything. Science is, however, able to explain most things, and explain all things better than any other thing we have.
  5. Well, it is important to be skeptical and question claims that go against how we currently understand the universe to work.
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