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  • Location
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Occupation
    Actor/ Working Stiff

oscar2010's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Hi all, Although I am heavily leaning toward Aikido there is a small part of me that may want something a little more fast paced and competive. I am wondering if Kenpo or Kyokushin may be something I should look into but I am curious as to how much contact there is at the beginning learning either of these styles? What are the major difference between these two styles? Thanks
  2. I am hoping that is what will happen. I am sure that I will know when I have found the right place. I guess I am a little torn on what I want to get out of a martial art. I definitely want someting with a spiritual , by that I mean meditative zen element, but I also want something challenging that I can grow at and that has some practical uses.
  3. Thanks for the responses so far. That is strange that Aikido class prices tend to be higher. I have found a class at a local community center for $35 per month or $75 for three months but they only meet twice per week and I was hoping to attend at three days. Maybe this is a good way to start. And not that I am trying to be a cheap skate hear but I already pay $70 a month for a normal gym membership so I can't really afford another $100 per month for an MA class.
  4. Hi all, I am in the process of looking at various styles and schools and I was wondering what is reasonable to pay per month for classes? I am very interested in Aikido and the one school that list pricing charges over $100 per month which seems quite excessive. Is it unrealistic to pay between $50 and $60 per month to attend class a few times per week? Thanks
  5. Thanks for the insight. I have been contacting various schools and I am hoping to star observing some classes in the next week. I will be observing class at a couple of Aikido schools and one Hung Gar class as well. There are just so many styles and schools to choose from and I want to find a place I really works for me. I must admit this process is quite overwhelming.
  6. One follow up question. I will be checking out an Aikido class that is taught a local Japanese Cultural center. It seems to be pretty ideal because it's only about $25 per month. My only concern is that they only have class twice a week for two hours per class. Is this enough to improve?
  7. Thanks for the replies so far. When I say spiritual I mean that in more of a general sense. I am looking for something that has a centering/meditative element to it as well. I know many martial arts do have this and I am guessing how much of this I find will be based more on the instructor and the school then the style. I am planning on looking into Aikido first because it seems like it may meet quite a few of things I am looking for but I am open to other suggestions. I have thought about Tai Chi but I would like to be in something that after a few years of practice I would have some idea of how it could be used in the real world. I realize many martial arts take years to master but Tai Chi I have heard can take decades before it could be used in a practical sense. I have also thought about Kung Fu but I have no idea what styles are the most commonly taught and there don't seem to be as many kung fu teachers out there. Please keep the suggestions coming. Thanks!
  8. Hi all. I am thinking about starting martial arts again and I wondering if anyone has an suggestions on what styles might meet my need. As far as my background goes I haven't studied martial arts since I was a freshman in college about 16 years ago. At that time I was taking Tae Kwon Do. My only recent experience is taking a kick-boxing class at my local gym. I am fairly physically fit but I am a big guy, 6'2" - 230. Although I am not looking for something super competitive or aggressive I do want something that will be challenging and that I can continue to grow at for the rest of my life and that can be used in the real world. Finally, I am looking for something that has a spiritual-centering side to it as well. Any styles that meet this criteria? Thanks!!
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