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Everything posted by mormonfiend

  1. my instructor has us do upper cuts on the heavy bags. we usually hit it like were uppercutting someone in the stomach though.
  2. i wanna say its american kickboxing beacuse he was showing me how to throw elbow and knee shots on the bag. he advertises the class as a real kickboxers class. we did alot of cardio stuff but im not sure thats his point. its a pretty small gym by the way it has a ring about 6 heavy bags a speed bag and a small space with bench press and dumbells and thai pads(whatever those are). im just gettin nervous about paying the 3 months special and having it be just bags and no actual fighting. im hoping next class will have more males in it. the instructor was a pro kb fighter for 10 years so im pretty sure i could train to actually compete. how long was it before yall began to spar with a partner?
  3. all the instructors at my school are male but ive been to only one actual class and there were at total of 4 students Me and mah bro who are both guys and one enormous chick then some like 14 year old girl. im gonna go a lil more but what worries me is that i wont have any guys to actually fight. i wanna do full contact fighting and not that kickboxing workout crap. my instructor teaches to use elbows and knees though so i guess he has some muay thai techniques in there.
  4. hey i went and tried a kickboxing class for the first time today and i loved the workout. only downside was i was the only guy besides the instructor. however ther were only 3 students so i could be jumping to conclusions to quick. are your kickboxing classes pretty mixed up or are they all male or female? any ways it was an hour long classes where we jumproped hit the bags did ab workouts then pushups and more on the heavy bags. i almost puked at the end. i just wanna know what your classes are like? are they crowded? and is your instructor strict or laid back?
  5. pretty much the same here. someones homeboy has to come fight you also. but anyways i think mma would be best. learn to strike and how to grapple
  6. i agree with shito. last time i did maritial arts it was at a very well known school in my area but know that i look back on it they handed out belts like it was candy. when it came time for testing id say half the kids in there didnt have their stances down and cried most of the time but it kept them(as well as their parents money)coming back as long as they got there different colored belts. we have a popular brazilian ju jitsu school just up the street from me that specializes in kids classes. id look around for something like that.
  7. i contacted the school which isnt the most well known in my area and the instructor seemed really excited id even heard of the place but ne ways, he just told me that kick boxing was just open gym or something like that were you just come in whenever you want. is this how yall do it? im gonna check again and see more into the mma fighting cuz all he really told me was its a class and i should attend 2 times a week. just curious though i havent done the martial arts in a long while. what should i wear to this? and what can i expect to do on the first lesson? did yall start out in begginer classes or did you just hop in and pick up were everyone else is? any comments be greatly appreciated. thanx
  8. hey ive been looking around for a school that teaches kickboxing and found one(half hour drive but oh well) and its alot cheaper then the other gyms around here. anyways i called the guy and he was real excited that someone actually called him(guess they dont have many students) well he tells me they offer classes in all of there other arts but kickboxing he tells me just to come in and its open everyday. Is this like boxing were you just come in whenever you want too? also do you wear a g or just shorts and shirt etc.? im used to having done classes but i guess you jsut come and learn as you go. how do you guys train for kickboxing/thai boxing? and what will i need to wear and take to my first session?
  9. hey i am 17 years old and i am about 5'7" and wiegh around 135 (small guy i guess?). anyways i took tae kon do(sp?) for about a year and a half back when i was 13 but quit beacuse it was mainly kicking and most the people i would fight with were 5 or 6 years old. i really wanna get back into the martial arts and i looked up a local dojo and they offer classes such as chin-na,kick boxing, and mixed martial arts. Kick Boxing would be my first choice beacuse i wanna do something that involves punching and taking hits. is m.m.a something you can start out at or does it require experience in other styles of fighting? i also looked up chin na and it looks very interesting but do i need experience in kung fu before i can start training? im gonna call tommorow but i dont wanna sound totaly dumb. both me and my bro are looking into starting up in the martial arts again. Am i too small to start kick boxing? im worried that theyll throw me in the ring with someone and ill get hurt badly. which one of these do u think would best fit me? Chin-na looks fun but im not really educated on it. ne suggestions would be of gret help. thanx
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