Hello there. I need to know what style of karate I should crosstrain in. I am currently practicing American Kenpo, and have practiced Fa' Chuan under Master Ray Pruitt. I am interested in crosstraining, but am unsure what style I should go into. My choises are not vast, but they are not all that limmited either. I can chose from Kickboxing, Arnis, Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu San Soo, Black Tiger Martial Arts, and apparently, a Shokotan club meets at a locat fittness gym. This would be for once to twice a week classes, as I can hardly get through my seven class a week scedule as it is. I am a good kicker, and can kick about a foot above my head, but am lacking as a puncher. I can hit hard, and fast, but I cant seem to get in fast enough. By the way, I am a 4th kyu (Green Belt) in Kenpo, and a 4th kyu in Fa Chuan (Green Brown). Thanks!