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  • Martial Art(s)
    Ed Parker Kenpo, Fa' Chuan

EvilGrasshopper's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. You have my condolences on your loss It is a shame things like that have to happen. Keep your calm, as I know personally that the hate will change you as a person. Let the courts eat him (the murderer) up and spit him out. I know that they never go soft on a second strike. He will be lucky to ever get out of jail. Taylor
  2. Much thanks! Setting up right now. Taylor
  3. Oh boy......so many...... The Legend 1&2 (Let Li) Once upon a time in China 2 (Let Li) Lord of the Rings 1&2&3 Rocky (Stalone) Red Dragon (Jet Li) The Chinese Connection (Bruce Lee) Those are some of my favs.....to hard to pick just one
  4. It would be awesome if you could send one to balzin123@yahoo.com If your out of invites, thats fine, I wish I had gotten into the group able to try Gmail. Taylor
  5. Hey, I am new here, but not to karate. I am currently practicing American Kenpo in Redding(4th kyu) . I previously practiced a hybrid of Sholein Kenpo, the five animal system of Kung Fu, and several different korean styles (4th kyu). I have been doing Karate for seven years, and am a exilent kicker, though my hands are lacking. I come here to learn more, and stay intouch with Martial arts outside of my dojo. By the way, I am looking to to cross training in Kickboxing. Thanks!
  6. Holy......that is possibly the supidist thing I have ever seen anyone do in their whole life. If you notice the trajectory of the nunchauku, i misses the childs nose by about a tenth of a inch. Plus, as someone that has seen some exilent nunchauku use, this guy had almost no clue what he was doing. He might have used them for several weeks at the most. I would not trust my sensi to do that to me, or anyone else for that matter, and this guy just does some stupid stunt with his kid, posts it on the web, and makes it look like he is bruce lee. Irrisponcible. This reminds me about an old far side cartoon about william tells, older, less fortunat son
  7. So far, im looking at Shokotan and JJ. Kickboxing is an alternative, but if i learn any boxing style, i would prefer it to be something with knees and elbows. Which would suppliment my kenpo the best (in a competitive sence) and which is more effective (in a street sence)? Ive been doing karate for seven years, so I can absorb new styles well. Time is not a matter to me, because I am homeschooled, so my dad can take me to whatever classes I want to go to. How much of JJ is throws, sweeps, and takedowns? How much is ground grappleing? What does Shokotan center arround (combat wise)? How much ground fighting is in shokotan? Thanks!
  8. Hello there. I need to know what style of karate I should crosstrain in. I am currently practicing American Kenpo, and have practiced Fa' Chuan under Master Ray Pruitt. I am interested in crosstraining, but am unsure what style I should go into. My choises are not vast, but they are not all that limmited either. I can chose from Kickboxing, Arnis, Ju Jitsu, Kung Fu San Soo, Black Tiger Martial Arts, and apparently, a Shokotan club meets at a locat fittness gym. This would be for once to twice a week classes, as I can hardly get through my seven class a week scedule as it is. I am a good kicker, and can kick about a foot above my head, but am lacking as a puncher. I can hit hard, and fast, but I cant seem to get in fast enough. By the way, I am a 4th kyu (Green Belt) in Kenpo, and a 4th kyu in Fa Chuan (Green Brown). Thanks!
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