Yes sir, i will keep you updated as i go along. In June i will be joining the Delayed Entry Program however my recruiter still lets me work out with DEP recruits. I will have a year of DEP before i am shipped to PI.
well sir i am hoping to get into PLC or another Officer Course. My dad was in the Navy for 20 years and all i know is the military life style and i love it. This is the first place i have lived in for more than 2 years.
I belive that there is glory in fighting. However the type of fighting he is talking about (streetfighting) there is no glory. There is only glory if you and your opponent have enough respect for each other that if one of you wins then you will be either a gracious winner or a gracious loser.
I don't believe there is any one style that is better than another. It is all about how dedicated and how hard you train in your MA that makes you an effective fighter. Someone who trains in Judo has the ability to take someone out in Karate. Just like someone in Tae Kwon Do has the ability to take someone out in Aikido.
Im in 11th grade and on the my schools wreslting team and i take Jiu-Jitsu because it helps me with my grappling and plus in a few years i will be goin into the United States Marine Corps. I asked my recruiter about Marine MA and he said that he was taking it and it was a lot of fun. I asked him if i should start taking one so that i may be 1 step ahead and he said that Jiu-Jitsu would help a lot. So here i am. I just started and it's a blast to do.
I have been reading a book called "Living the Martial Way". This book talks about if you want to become a well rounded and effective Martial Artist or warrior you must be dedicated to your art or arts. It is a good book and I suggest reading it.
Thanks for everyones help and I will sit in on some classes to find the right style, I am looking for something thats uses striking and grappling, I was thinking about Jiu-Jitsu, I also sat in a few sessions of Ninjutsu.