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Everything posted by Neogeek23

  1. Yea - I found that too and showed it to them but their only response was that "of course that says it is safe it is the boxing's site." Though I don't think at the time that time they realized that this was supported by studies. So I will show it to them again. I did also find other statistics that I typed up and gave to them last night - no word yet, but I think a compromise may be at hand (I hope). I have to say I agree completely with you Shane. It may be that the coaches there don't think I should be sparing yet, but I won't know till 10-5-04, when they start coming in. Also if I do spar - I'm not planning on getting over my head you know - what fun would that be? Since they are a USA Boxing Gym associate affiliate or whatever - wouldn't that make there gym have to be up to code so to say?
  2. hey guys - u all make it so welcoming and sorry to say hot girlfriend won though most of that year
  3. Yea - this gym I found is registered affiliate associate or whatever of USA Boxing, which if I'm not misinformed is the boxing organization that does the olymics. So I'd get a well set sparing rules there, but yea - I may not be up to code and ready to spar. I think I am, but maybe not, and if not I will definately get myself their asap. Thanks guys for the feedback. However is there any suggestions for convinecing my parents that boxing isn't nearly so dangerous, and I check online for stats., but everything goes both ways.
  4. maybe a viewing of a sparring session wouldn't be so bad. I finally did get a call back from that place and they are a boxing gym and are an associate of usa boxing. Then again if they played dirty.. that'd be a bad idea If anyone knows much about USA boxing and their rules regulations ect. please let me know - thx - guys!
  5. Hey, I'm 17, a senior in high school, and a book worm. I'm takin 4 ap and one pre-ap class this year. I also soon have to get a job . I've been trying to get into a boxing gym for about 2 months now - I've been doin training at home for about 6 and a year before that I finished another 6 months of strickly heavy bag training. (the year between I was side tracked by a hot girlfriend ) I've always been interested in combative sports. Six years ago for my first time I tried to join karate, then 2 years after that I tried again. But my parents are over protective and fear that I'll lose my smarts if I become a part of combative sporting. This is currnetly a battle I'm fighting, and not gaining any ground, but fourtionately time is on my side. Anyways I'm planing on being a mechanical engineer, and as for college I'm not sure where yet. signing out, the 23rd neogeek
  6. yea - I'm joining a karate club at school and I'll be learning the basics of judo there - at the very least I'll get some sparing in there. I'll also get some good cross training, b/c if I am right judo is a grappling school and that is good to know as a boxer b/c is boxing's biggest short coming in my opinion. I think I could convince my parents that boxing.... sparing isn't bad for you if I had some kind of statistics - anyone have any or know of any?
  7. I'd like to start sparing boxing and have some home training background. This is my senior year and I'm 17. Two years ago I got a heavy bag and a pair of light bag gloves. For a good 6 months I worked that heavy bag and got some good punches and combinations down. Then I got side tracked by this girl and was on and off in train for a year. For the last 6 months I've gotten back into training much more. I got a speed bag and a double end (headache) bag, and have gotten good with the double end bag. I was doing 20 minutes of jump rope over the summer, but now since school started up I've been too busy to jump rope everyday, I have just enough time to research more boxing and do about an hour of training. I want to start sparing, but I'm not sure if I'm ready. I've been looking for a boxing gym here and there are like none - though I did here of one place and I called left a message and they have yet to call back. I'd like to know what u guys think - should I start sparing or should I continue training more. Also is there any suggestions for over protective parents that think combative sports make u stupid? All help appreciated
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