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  • Martial Art(s)
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    martial arts

Gilbert's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. dont look at the height, the builtness, or whatever that might bring you to say that you wont be able to beat or even be match againts your opponent. get in your fighting stance. relax, for he is just another opponent. let him kick you and just wait for an oppening and counter. if he kicks to high move in and unbalance him quickly and counter with punches quickly. i know in tkd they are teaching you alot of good kicks but only use the ones neccessary when sparring. remember stay relaxed and see those openings. its easy..... remember you are sparring to learn about yourself and to get a feel of fighting.
  2. a while back i went to buy a sword. i realized the dealer had a tai chi sword in his backpack..or whatever that bag is called. so i just asked him are you familiar with the martial arts? he said very slowly to me he practiced tai chi. he said he'd been practicing since he was very young and that an old man had taught him. he had a bad leg. he was about 50 yrs old (in my thinking, as i saw him). after the talking he said to throw a punch at him. no people were around that time. but i kept thinking what if i hit him. i mean i know he serious but nobody is perfect and maybe he'll miss the technique and get hit. so got my guard up to let him know i was gonna punch. as i threw the punch straight forward i noticed he moved all his balanced to one leg while grabbing my arm and hitting me in my shoulder and stop there. he said he could've easily broken my arm. i noticed he was very flexible and well maintained in his balanced. what stunned me that at that moment when he got my shoulder he gave out a deep breath and i noticed him sweating and very concentrated. i knew this guy was full of chi/ki and knew how to develop it in an instant. never underestimate your opponent even in one on one...
  3. Try out aikido and find out yourself. to be honest i went to a karate class the other day to check it out. i tried it out and when it came to sparring im so used to aikido. so one on one sparring was easy so when the other two came in. being three on one i have to say i was taking them down easily. i directed one guys sidekick to the guy behind me who was coming at me. aikido is useful and not understandible until one tries it. it does take a while but even with the basics you can defend yourself.
  4. hey....nobody is perfect. we've all been there. we've all recieved hits. if its not in sparring it is in a street fight. if in neither, the heart also recieves hits. wounding the person's heart may be even worse than being physically hit.
  5. police: why were you going fast? You: to be honest officer i need to take a dump.. trust me, it works...............all the time
  6. i finally found a video so you can see how kicks are easily countered and backs up some things ive said about the kicks. its https://www.aikidoedintorni.com thanks to another posts i saw. thanks
  7. seagal is very trained and skilled. did you see those kicks being countered like nothing. good videos man. that is what aikido really is about. if your in aikido stay in it and you will be that good even better. well good luck.
  8. thats exactly what i said. not to concetrate to much on one thing.
  9. there was once upon a time three prisoners. they had been locked up for life in prison. they planned an escape plan. that they were gonna dig theirselves out. while they were digging they found a lamp. they were astonish and rubbed the lamp. a jinney came out and said he would grant three wishes. they said to themselves well we are three let us each get one wish. the first one said..i wish i could go back to san fransisco with my 4 daughters and wife and be a millionaire. pummm he disapeared and his wish was granted the second one said i want to go to my home in new york and be rich also and own many possessions. he disapeared with his wish granted and wento to new york. the third one started crying and said. you know ive been alone all my life. i dont have no one. no family no sons. i want my friends back and boom his friends were back in the cell with him. the others were all angry.
  10. i one time too defended my girlfriend. there was this guy behind my girlfriend. i ignored until i couldnt hold myself. i was barely starting to study aikido at the time. but i was a good boxer. i saw him from far away and went to him to calm things down until he push me. i reacted with a kick to the groin and 4 quick punches to the face. he went down. when he got up he grabed a rock and wanted to throw it at me. he did throw it and hit me on my arm. i got real mad and went up to him and kicked him in the legs (i had studied another art before and it helped me on my kicking)and i kept throwing combonations. i couldnt control myself. but aikido has helped me a great deal on feelings now.
  11. Ive been searching and i found alot of videos in https://www.aikidojournal.com try it out.
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