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knightt's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. I have trained in a stye of Daito Ryu Aki Jujutsu... More accurately Bujutsu. I no longer train with them but do know of the style. I trained in a dojo whom was under the control of the Dai Nippon Daito Ryu Aiki Bujutsu Rengokai in Japan. The style i trained in was very different from a western martal art. Instead of becoming stronger, hitting harder, yelling louder, we would try to be more compassionate, more gentle, more understanding, blend more. In this way my style felt was the best way to win a battle. There is no competition. There is no distinction between skill level, and technique is encouraged to be completly silent, while taking the least amount of space. I may add that although i trained in this style, i don't know if all Daito Ryu Aki Jujutsu dojos still train in the same manor. There is a web site with lots of information if you would like to know more. http://www.niagara.com/~zain/ If you have any further questions, i would be happy to try and answer them. Brendan
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