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    Hidden among the tall grass

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  1. Martial man, I actually realised what your post meant today! Until now, I didnt have a clue what you had written... I think longarm's post had something to do with it. I think nobody knows anything more about enlightenment then?
  2. Why's that? Don't you like this topic?
  3. Like knowing the purpose of life, or feeling close to God...that kind of stuff? If you've ever seen the film 'Twin Warriors', I think that has an example of enlightenment after Jet Li reads that scroll, doesnt it?
  4. Hi, thanks for your reply gcav, I was able to understand the article much better. One thing though, can you or anyone else elaborate on what is meant by enlightenment...?
  5. Hi, this is probably going to sound stupid, but I dont have a clue what Zen means....could somebody please explain what or who it is? As an additional question..whats JKD?
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