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Chris Mckechnie

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Everything posted by Chris Mckechnie

  1. Well it depends what federation your also under. In ITF for Green belt we do: Dan-Gun (Previous Testing Pattern) Do-San (Your Testing Pattern) History of Do-San No. of Movements Pattern Diagram 3 Step Sparring numbers 4-6 Possible board breaking with Either a Side Kick or a Knifehand Strike
  2. Another thing too look into would be weighted training gear. My friend has 5kg weights that are strapped onto the ankles. They are really hard to do anything with at first, but it is a awesome way to build both strength, and speed. You wouldn't believe how fast you are after using them for a month or so Now i know why my instructor is so fast, he uses 10kg weights
  3. No one brave enough to share?
  4. I current am Studying Taekwon-Do and when i achieve my Black Belt, i am hoping to continue my TKD Training, but also start up Jeet Kune Do (Im a massive follower and fan of Bruce Lee) What are the advantages of Jeet Kune Do, Will it be easy, yet not affect the Techniques i do in Taekwon-Do, and is it worth doing, or should i just devote all my time into Taekwon-Do?
  5. Not 100% Sure Dragon, i'll try to find out for you
  6. Well based off what my teacher told us (He was a Black belt in Karate, Judo and is currently a 6th Degree Black belt in Taekwon-Do) Karate isn't any better for Self Defence mainly due to what he said was too much Rotational Power. When he did Karate he said that it is possible to generate insane ammounts of power through rotation, but after doing Taekwon-Do he discovered that Karates means of gaining power through rotation had a major flaw, in that too much rotational power actually resulted in doing as much damage to oneself as it would do to the opponant =\
  7. By "it" i assume you mean where is he located? If thats the case, Australia
  8. I haven't seen the other two, but from what my Teacher told me, ITF is more suited to those who prefer the art for its Original Techniques as opposed to the more intense sparring found in WTF
  9. Indeed it is. My friend performs it nicely, makes me want to learn how to do it, but then again, he is a 1st degree black belt
  10. Whats the most ammount of boards you have broken, and with what technique (Ranks would also be nice to know ) For my Level (ITF Bai Rui, Blue Belt Red Stripe) I have broken: 2 Boards Knifehand Strike 2 Boards Turning Kick 2 Boards mid air Turning Kick at 2 different heights 5 Boards Side piercing Kick 1 Board Forefist Punch 1 Board Mid Air Side Piercing Kick
  11. For myself, I find performing a Mid-Air 180 or 360 degree back piercing kick.
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