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Everything posted by Kilo-11

  1. Hey guys, can I get a few names translated? I have a few of my students comming up for their black belt test in a few months and I want to get their belts embroidered. Thanks in advance. Dale Douglas Scott Ginn (Last name is with a hard "G") Mike DeSanto
  2. What is your take on them as an Instructor? Do you think that they are a good idea? My school has them, but we also have a low monthly tuition. We don't charge you to test again if you fail as some schools do. The testing fee is also very reasonable. What is your take on it as a student?
  3. Perfect. That is the ones that I was going to use. I owe you big. Thanks much. If I can do anything in return, please don't hesitate to ask.
  4. I like both. I prefer a Bob though because I can teach my students where on the torso to strike and they can practice on a Bob. I also like to practice the same stuff on it. They are good for getting the feel of hook kicking to the back of the head. I like them the best over all.
  5. Thank you. You are awesome. I have one more question if you don't mind. The name of my system is Keichu-Do. I have looked up the kanji for it, but there seem to be "options" for them. It means "devoting oneself entirely to the way." Could you show me these kanji? If not, no problem. I am very grateful for what you have already shown me. Thanks much again.
  6. Can you translate my name? I have it down my belt and want to make sure that it is correct. I would look aweful foolish to someone that could read it if it was not accurate. I also didn't know about the half size ones. Mine are all full size I believe. My name is: Wesley King Ulmer IV Could you show each name's translation? If you have time could you do this one also: Stephanie Ann Hetrick Thanks in advance.
  7. Can you translate my name? I have it down my belt and want to make sure that it is correct. I would look aweful foolish to someone that could read it if it was not accurate. I also didn't know about the half size ones. Mine are all full size I believe. My name is: Wesley King Ulmer IV Could you show each name's translation? Thanks in advance.
  8. I have had 3 students buy me stuff so far this Christmas. It is completely appropriate and very much apreciated.
  9. Bummer. I just moved from Seattle this year. I know of a great Modern Arnis / JKD instructor in Tacoma. E-mail me if you want his info. His name is Kelly Worden, I trained in his system from one of his black belts while I was up there. Great system. ringmaster6273@hotmail.com
  10. I have had this a few times while teaching class. Usually once you establish your prowess, this happens less often. I say to apply the technique as far as safely possible; I.E. don't break their arm, but put a very tight and painful armbar on them, if that is the techniques resulting finish. This usually curbs that behavior quickly. I recommend talking with that student afterward though and emphasize very firmly that that kind of behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  11. As the other replies have said, if you are good at being in the guard then you should be fine. If you grapple often then you won't have too much trouble there. The problem can come if you are uncomfortable there and start to panic. If it is a vicious fight and you find yourself in the closed guard, pullhim in and simply eye gouge him. Fight is done. If you don't want to eye gouge him, set him up for something less brutal, I.E. a choke out.
  12. I actually teach Keichu-do, which is a Christian martial arts system. Most martial arts subscribe to more eastern philosophies on religion. Some try not to discuss religion at all. The problem there is that Spiritual Neutral ALWAYS becomes Spiritual Hostile. Same goes for most things that you take a neutral stance on, I.E. values, etc. Our philosophy is that while we build you mentally and physically, we also need to build up your spiritual foundation.
  13. I am assuming that the attack we are discussing countering is a reverse punch. If so I tend to back kick if I am in a side herse stance. If I am in a forward stance I prefer to side step and either back fist or ridge hand. You can also try lead leg thrust kicking them if you are in a forward stance. Your leg will almost always be longer than their arm.
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