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webmaster Patrick

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Everything posted by webmaster Patrick

  1. that was funny. Thanks for the tip.... it worked great untill lifting the lid up, the cat slamed into my legg and broke my ancle
  2. man that game is long
  3. well i dont know if you would like to hear my job is my hobby I love designing websites. I also collect Warhammer 40,000 (a roll playing game)
  4. 1. auto 2. up to down
  5. "I am what I am and nothing more" "In order for you to get something for nothing, Someone has to get nothing for something" Love the second one
  6. getting over a breakup is a very hard thing to do. But look around yourself... If you are in the mall/party (anywhere there is alot of people. Now just remember at least 4-5 people have stayed with their first love. Everyone has had a break up now and then. 51% of people that are married in the USA get a devorce. Huge numbers. You just have to thank god for all the good and bad times with this girl. And always remember that the one you will be with for the rest of your life is 1.your best friend 2.even though she does things that bother you but you love them and could not stand with out them. 3.can tell everything to and not worry about being judged. To many people want a super model wife and just skip the overweight/"ugly" ones, If you ever talked to the girls that are see this way be many you will learn that their personalities are matched by no-one.
  7. I am saying female - Jennifer Love Hewitt Male - Jonny Depp
  8. 95 Impreza
  9. P> your eyes are red have you been drinkin? Y> well officer i have, i had 87 Bacardi Lamon's and boy am I toasted!! P>ok, then have a good night sir Y>wait you are not going to take me in? P>No sir..... You know you have to drink over 1000 Bacardi Lamon's to get a buzz and that is if you only weigh 100lbs.
  10. salad for me. Nice slices of grilled chicken marinated in Home made Italian dressing, Roman Lettus and spinich with a nice amout of fetta cheese. that is an awsome meal
  11. well mine is easy. I am a webmaster and my name is patrick not to hard to put the 2 together.
  12. yeah that is a bad game
  13. I have a question and it is because i have not idea how to spell the style i am looking for but i cannot find it anywhere!!! it sounds like: Say Boo Kahn I know it is a style but i dont know how to spell it, i was looking for dojo's in my area (york). Please help me!!! Thanks Patrick
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