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White Belt

White Belt (1/10)



  1. Im not quite sure what style it is, lol Also im not quite sure what dan the teacher is, Im guessing at least a 3 Just curious: for those of you doing karate how long did it take for you to progress from white belt to the next?
  2. well yesterday I went to my first karate class Seems quite good. Being taught by two black belts.
  3. there are no nunchaku related clubs or trainers available near me(live in uk, wales). I am however going to take up karate. Im going to contact a nearby club soon
  4. Ok, I have thought about it and have decided on what I will do... I plan to take lessons at a nearby karate club. Im doing a litle search of nearby clubs and trainers and should be contacting one soon. Thanks for all your posts.
  5. read one of my previous posts - i said that i want to learn how to control myself in a fight. i know that real fights are ugly, ive seen and been in a couple and therefore if there is a next time which there most probably will be id like to be able to focus myself and stay calm. that way having an advantage over the opponent and knowing what to do and how to a) take him down with no fuss or b) beat the living crap out of him using the right methods...ok forget b)... I would just like to know how to defend myself in these 'ugly' fighting moments comprende?
  6. your probably right...a book cant explain in detail and give moving examples on how to do something...but practice can
  7. lmao basically i want to be able to defend fro myself so i dont get the crap kicked out of me if i get into fights.
  8. well i know some basic atacks. i bought a book about nunchaku and have been studying it and practising its contents. its got things like how to do basic atacks and manouvers. then it goes on to how to disarm a person when their holding a knife - which i can happily do since my step brother lets me practice on him
  9. just to let you know - i dont want to join any classes simply because im not that serious about it and i dont have the time. im i my last year of school now so coursework takes up a lot of my time, then i got x amount of websites to run... Im just interesting in it because it would give me a small fairly regular train out. Im deffinatly interested in fitness and am looking for a little something to add to my training sessions. I dont want to take it up seriously and most probably never will. I just would like to learn some moves so if I ever get into a fight in or outside of school i will know how to beat him whilst under control and still focused instead of going crazy and attacking from all over the place.
  10. hey. sorry for the late reply... anyway...id like to let you all know that i dont want to be some professional martial arts guy who trains daily and is able to use everything perfectly. All i want to do is have a hobby. Im not very serous about it and neer plan to be. My plan is to just practise in my spare time and give me something to do. I dont plan on ever fighting anyone with them. If someone approached me and started a fight i would most probably throw them away and either fight him properly or try and settle it another way. So if you understand what im saying - I do it because I like it and it gives me something to do. Its just fun and I will carry on practising slowly until I get bored with it. Im not going to join any classes simply because I live in wales and i cant find any plus classes mean dedication and intense training - not my type of thing.
  11. just to let you know im the kid . not the bald guy. that guy is the person who got me into it all a while back
  12. Im interested in learning the basics of karate. I already do nunchaku and am beginning to get reasonably good at it. I dont want to do it as a serious thing, I would just like to learn the basics and some basic kicks, blcks, punches etc... How can I do this without going to any classes. Are there any websites which show how to perform karate properly? Thanks
  13. Hey guys, Ive been practising nunchaku for about 8 months on and off. Ive done a few videos... Tell me what you think... http://www.gamingbedlam.com/nunchaku/files/ ive got some more videos up at my site aswell at https://www.dynamicnunchaku.tk plus a list of tricks and how to do them.
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