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  • Location
    Birmingham, England

Musse's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)

  1. The neighbourhood bad boy doesn't need to fight, it's enough to act tough. Most of the times people get scared by just using threats. I don't know what kids used to be taught but I doubt there are many kids who walked away from fights and walked proudly next day in school. Size and height may not always mean a good fighter but the chances are that the big guy is a lot stronger than you and lets face it, the opponent would probably be scared of him and would think that he was gonna lose the fight. - Musse
  2. Yup, that's why I quitted Shotokan. We only did light point sparring and only certain (ineffective) techniques could score points. How can you learn how to fight if you only touch your opponent and then pull your punch? Also when you sparred, you didn't put much effort defending because you wouldn't get hurt even if your opponent succeeds. - Musse
  3. Musse


    Yup, the Trailer is great, seen it 100 times. I just hope that the movie won't disappoint me and they'll make this movie dark. EP1 was too childish and happy, can't even remember EP2. I should look at it again but I can remember that it wasn't as childish as EP1 though. "Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker have become" - Musse
  4. CompactDinnerFork, don't start every word with a capital, it's really hard to read. And yeah, you're not the teacher, you just help in class so I wouldn't think it would be your problem if someone isn't interested. And I can't even understand why someone would be there if he has no intrest, except if they are kids and their parents forced them. Anyway, a slap to the face always gets the attention. - Musse
  5. Are you saying that you punch as hard as you can in your Shotokan dojo ? - Musse
  6. http://www.tvtome.com/StargateAtlantis/ Basicly it's about a new crew, in a new galaxy, fighting new enemies - Musse
  7. I agree, red roses should be banned for 14th of february, just like in Saudi Arabia ! - Musse
  8. Yeah, Stargate is great. I just have watched couple of episodes of series 8 though, because I find Stargate: Atlantis more interesting. Damn Goulds are nothing compared to the Wraith. Series 2 of Atlantis starts in the summer, woo, let's hope it's gonna be good. - Musse
  9. True, but it's one level closer to the real thing than point sparring. - Musse
  10. Short of money ? http://guav.com/lj/12.04/NinjaBeg.jpg - Musse
  11. I remember reading one interview about Parker and he said that Lee's advantage was his speed and he would get you if you made one mistake etc. So I would assume that Lee was faster. - Musse
  12. Bad jokes get even worse when you have to explain them. - Musse
  13. Looks like the fat guy got himself a good business. Anyhuu, you can't really say that because he's rich, the dojo is bad. The little man isn't always better. - Musse
  14. It's saturday, I could've practised the whole day. What I'm trying to say is that you don't need to go to Siperia to train often. Why not train in your backgarden "all day every day"? And anyway, how long could you last in a secluded place, all by yourself, with just the bare necessities ? A day ? Two days ? Week ? - Musse
  15. I don't know about this forums view of warez ("I didn't know you couldn't do that officer") but you'll find a lot MMA fighting in DC++. You just have to be in the right hubs ( https://www.hublist.org ). - Musse
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