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dinesh's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. I believe it's the "Champion" one, made especially for kata.
  2. If a student doesn't show interest, isnt making an effort , they are simply allowed to sit down and not continue. My sensei has a very short temper for lazy people and I am tending to pick up that habit. No matter how "bad" you are, if you are interested and listen , you are helped. I find myself gravitating towards the more "seasoned" students than the ones that show a low skill level. Although it really should be the other way around...
  3. Never got punched that far, got a roundhouse to the chest that sent me flying a few feet....but 9 meters.....erm....
  4. I've seen big men act like that.... Some people just don't like "rookies" Sometimes, probably if I am in a bad mood, I have a really short temper for teaching the lower ranks, especially white belts just were in the dojo for so few classes they can't do very basic things. At other times I am as patient as can be.... Maybe he was having a bad night? It happens to all of us.
  5. I just took my real name and entered it in the box that said"nick name"
  6. their uniforms aren't that bad. The 14oz ones I am talking about. They stand up pretty good and don't fit bad either.
  7. OH sorry I was confusing it with Gankaku, lol Shotokan isn't my thing, ah I better get those names right from now on:)
  8. You have confidence in your techniques, but has anyone ever been afarid to fight, because of the outcome for the opponent? I am a person that doesn't like to get pushed around, and usually I don't , because ppl know I do karate , (go figure! ). But I've always been afarid of fighting..... Weather I punch the guy in his nose(the first place I would aim for) ormaybe do something else that might kill or severly injure the person... Consiquences.... How does one overcome the fear to hurt another, in self defence...
  9. shorin style has hangetsu? You mean Chinto don't you? Crane techniques are all over the shorin forms, i have especially seen them in the matsumura lineage..... But there is a Hakutsuru kata though, seen peice of a tape, but never seen the entire thing....
  10. I think it was at age 13 he started, but my memory is a bit hazy... O'sensei was really adept in his old age from what I've heard from my instructor, and seen on a tape. In my country, there are so many 10th Dans it's absolutly hilarious. I actually have a fun time laughing at them, insisting to be referred to as soke and grandmaster....
  11. Shito ryu isn't that bad:P I have no clue what Krav Maga is..... Wing chun sounds good, never tried it , but heck bruce lee did it:P Wanna be like bruce?
  12. Welcome! Have a read around........especially the threads about mcdojos.
  13. I have seen this happen alot in my dojo... The sell cheaply made Gis, poly/cotton blend, that being to wear out very quickly. Being that you by know know about what color etc gi you would need, black , white, vneck etc, ask your instructor if it will be alright to buy your own uniform. Then go outt, do some research, I think adidas sells some good Vneck TKD uniforms, and order it. I doubt your instructor should have a problem you using your own gi , unless generating revenues for continously selling the same substandard gi is how they like to run things.
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