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shotokan1725681457's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Yes, properly trained combinations will also do. But only if they are trained to knock your opponent out or cause some serious injury. This is not like in competitions, when you use a wide range of techniques that is not necessarily aimed to knock your oppenent out, but is just a part of your technique arsenal. And in most dojos you do not have an ability to train a particular punch, kick or some combination, they give you the whole range of technique so that you could compete successfuly. One must master the most simple, effective and safe (i mean not high kicks for example) knock out technique him(her)self.
  2. To do this you must train one punch, one kick and forget all sport technics that karatekas are got used to. And to be able psychologicaly to cause injury to your opponent.
  3. Ok, so tell us what stance do you call a "good" one? In zenkutsu, fudo, kokutsu, hangetsu and whatever stance we practice in traditional shotokan karate, your front leg is a good target to grab. And as soon as grappler seize it, he will press his head to your body and you will have no chance to use strong karate technics just be cause there will be no space for it. Other tricks like eyes squeezing and throat crashing are not so simple to use as many of you think it is. IMHO the only thing a striker can do against a grappler is to "cause as much damage as possible , in as short a time as possible" as it's already said here. Atack groin, knees, use uppercut when he closes the distance to grab you (the don't care much about their head protection when they move to grab your leg be cause thier main idea is to close the distance at whatever cost - at least in BJJ). Hiza geri (knee kick) and uppercut are very good strikes, be cause grappler bands his body and his face becomes unprotected. Use tai sabaki actions and atack his kidney, groin and knees again and again. But never let him grab your leg. Remember that they improve thier grappling and wrestling skills at every trainig. It's useless trying to defeat them in the area, where they are Gods. But even if you find your self mounted on the ground, don't panic, use their own methods to escape from the mounted position and use use use STRIKES, bite whatever you can bite, squeeze thier balls but don't let them wrestle with you. He will catch you on the painful hold and break your arm or leg if you don't disable him before.
  4. There are "Gracie jujutsu videos" in wich Gracies themselfs explain the basics of thier fighting system. It's worth seing for all strikers IMHO. On top of all this things like closing the distance, taking down your opponent, they show how to escape from the mounted position. Of course it's useless to fight a BJJ guy by wathing videos he-he... But at least you will know what to do when you are mounted. And don't forget to train kicks in the groin
  5. Blue belt (5th kyu) since Jan 2005 in Shotokan
  6. In our school we don't use red and orange belts: white (8st kyu) yellow (7th kyu) green (6th kyu) blue (5th kyu) purple (4th kyu) brown (3rd kyu) brown (2nd kyu) brown (1st kyu) black (1st dan)
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