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Everything posted by RODAN

  1. WOW Thank you for all the great advise,I made green belt two months ago and my hip pain is gone.hehe I kinda wish it would come back,my right side kick is much improved and I'am working on my combinations with my hook kick.I practice each kick 25 reps two sets every other day and work on my form on off days..I should be sharp as a razor my next testing,again thank you and keep up the great work..Your friend Rodan [ This Message was edited by: RODAN on 2002-07-03 15:59 ]
  2. :nod:Iam still hanging in there,and read your post.My hip pain is alot better,and just learned the 540 kick .hehe just kidding but my hook kick is coming along.Ive had my greeen belt for a little while and theres two side kicks in sa chung ,so ive been working on them everyday.Thank you everyone for your time..RODAN
  3. thank you all for your repelys,everthing helps..hehe I just came home from class and i feel great,durring sparring with a blackbelt tagged me twice in the head.wow I learned so much from that,theres no messing around you have to work hard.I gained so much respect for blackbelts,not only because of there skills in tae kwon do there really good people..
  4. Iam 36 years old curently a yellow belt in chung do kwan style tae kwon do.My body is in decent shape but I work construction for 20 years now and my hips hurt when doing kicks,my right isnt as bad as my left but are there many martial artist who feel there limited do too there age and body condition.I feel iam letting down my instructor,when i cant perform correctly do too the hip pain.I do love the round house but the side kick really hurts..any comments
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