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Yukimi Ajikuro

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Okinawan (Kobayashi) Shorin-ryu karate-do, Kendo, Iaido
  • Location
  • Interests
    martial arts, Irish dancing, operatic singing, Bruce Lee, Tony Jaa, Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Kendo, Iaido
  • Occupation
    21 years old, poor college student
  • Website

Yukimi Ajikuro's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Whenever someone tells you to do something you respond with, "yes, sensei!" oh lord I've gotten sooo close.
  2. haha, i am a music major and i can soooooo relate!
  3. I'd say tadashi yamashita through my mother. She was one of his first students when he started a school in IN. Yamashita will always be a great martial artist to me. To get back into shape and hone my skills I'd have to say Tony Jaa....I know...weird.
  4. Thankyou so much for your encouragement! I'm back from the clinic and icing my arm. It was a wonderful experience. I've been to a clinic before but I was only a yellow belt then and didn't truly appreciate it. He can be a funny guy actually, he was showing us how to do kicks and he started hopping around . But, he is veeeery demanding. He had us doing self defense techniques, and he yelled at an entire setion of belts in Japanese, we looked at each other with blank faces but we kept working, only much harder...which is difficult when you're very tired from already working hard. He remembered my mom from the 1960's when she took from him and he signed my obi! too cool! Anyway, going made me wish that he gave clinics more often, it was a fantastic experience. If any of you get the oppurtunity to go to one, go!
  5. One time, when my sensei was testing, Sensei Yamashita had him do front kicks back and forth of the dojo for the entire class....that's a loooong time. Well, towards the end of class, my sensei was awfully tired and could barely raise his legs, but he kept going until the end. He earned his belt that day, not because of the great technique of his kicks, but because he kept going until he was told to stop. I've always liked this story, just thought I'd share it.
  6. Just remember to keep your hands up at all times, and closed. This is really hard for some beginners to do, and they always drop their fists really low, so they can't block in time. Just a reminder
  7. oh man I'm so nervous! Sensei Tadashi Yamashita is coming next weekend to our dojo and my brother may test for black belt, which would be so cool, but I'm just nervous what he'll think of me. I better work really hard to be in my best shape when he comes. This was his first school established in the US in the 60's and...well, him being a 9th dan makes me very nervous. eep! wish me luck.
  8. Pasai Dai...hm..I'm a horrible speller, but I really like it
  9. 2 long recurve archery bows (first in here, I think) 1 short compound archery bow soon to get a bokken soon to get a bo (although I pracitse with the ones at my dojo) saving up for a real katana from bugei.com ..going to be saving a couple years, but I believe it to be a worthwhile investment
  10. my friend made this up: To err is human, to moo, bovine
  11. I so agree with you Luckykboxer! that song, and Liberate by Disturbed
  12. Jet Li and Jackie Chan hands down...I've never seen a Bruce Lee movie , can you believe it? lol, leave me a message suggesting some if you'd like
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