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Everything posted by Hwa-rang

  1. i would not call myself a serious taekwondo practitioner but from what i have lernt and from what i have seen in my opinion very little of taekwon do is useful in a street fight . but i all cases if someone is an experiences world master or close to they would be very deadly in a street fight. but i dont think that legs are as efective as taezee thinks could i ask what style of taekwondo you practice and what patern/form/hyung you follow and who your master is you seem very smart but if my experience has taught me anything its that generally taekwondo stylists espessially ones that use mainly kicks (e.g. most wtf sparing styles) dont get far in real fights but please dont get me wrong i think kicks can be very effective i have just seen too many people lose fights because they tried to use their legs
  2. i have been searching for months now for a good free style martial arts competition and i am haveing a hard time findding one does any1 have any suggestions on how i find a good one
  3. i know that the grand master of tkd is General Choi and that he trainned the 10 tigers ( i think thats the right name) but how do all of the Rhees fit in and how are they all related??. i know of the 2 main world masters Master Chong chul Rhee and Master Jhoon Rhee but how do the others fit in and how many of them are there. so far i know of chong hyup Rhee chon yoon Rhee simon Rhee Phillip Rhee but im certain thats thers more. can any1 help
  4. Can somebody pls tell me what style Jhoon Rhee is a 10th degree in??
  5. What is jhoon Rhee a 10 degree in because the highest rank he could obtain in taekwondo is 8th degree so what style is he a tenth degree in
  6. what do you think is better itf or wtf personaly i think wtf sucks iv watch a few of there tournament and from what i gathered and im saying this in the nicest way posible they sucked what do you think??
  7. i agree i have two 1st dan instructors but our overall master is an 8th dan world master i was talking about lowere ranked owners i dont feel that they have enough experience to run a good martial arts school dont get me wrong i know theres plenty of 1st & 2nd dan black belts who are very highly skilled but i think it would be better to stay and train with you oringnal masterinstructor etc
  8. yea well that process is a lot slower if your instructor isnt very skillful
  9. ok then supose it can be done how long does it take to position your hands so you are ready to perform theses 11 per sec hits?
  10. maybee but i wouldnt train at a Tkd club if the owner was only a 3rd dan
  11. i only know the basics of muay thai and have only done a small amount of trainning but of what i did do i found out that it take it out of your shins very fast i was able to handle it but it did test me. i am awar that there is a lot more to muay thai than just kicking but that was the aspect i found the hardest. How do you strenghthen up your shins and after so many matches and so much trainning how do your shins end up stronger or smashed up?
  12. i have not studied any form of kung-fu so far i have only studied Tae kwon Do but i am eager to start crosstrainning and considering a form of Kung-fu. befor i do id like to get a bit of backround information on the art and what styles are best. [ This Message was edited by: Hwa-rang on 2002-01-18 06:38 ]
  13. i know this is late but this post caught my intrest i have not done any form of kung-fu yet and this is the first iv heard of chain punching. but when you perform this technique how much power does it contain, it couldnt be to powerful if is that fast.
  14. I have heard of and know of people who become about 2nd or 3rd degree black belts sometimes even just 1st degrees then go off and start there own TKD club. Why???
  15. If your instructor is as nice as you say he is then its posible that he was testing her dedication or comitment. then again i wasnt there so i cant make an informed decision or comment on what the instuctor should or shouldnt have done. But what is this were not marines were martial artists crap, theres nothing wrong with doing extra exersise be it push ups or running the harder and the more we train the better we become. walking out during trainning or making up excuses is just a lazy undedicated weak way of thinking.
  16. even though TKD involves alot of jumping techniques youd never use them in real life situations. the minute your airborn your offbalace
  17. even though some poeple have black belts i does not always mean they are good fighters or they have a supirior skill. its only a belt. iv been told that the grand masters have said that it takes 1000 days to reach a good understanding of an art and 10,000 days to master and art the figure could be a little off though.
  18. iv been told that the Hyungs (patterns) in Tae Kwon Do arent of any use and are a waist of time. i Disagree with this and so do my instructors and fellow students. i am interested to here what other Tae Kwon Do stylests from different dojangs have to say.
  19. by far the best kick in Tkd is the spinning heel kick
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