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  • Martial Art(s)
    kali, silat, jkd, BJJ,mui tai
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ydwnd10's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. i have to wear teh shin guard under my pants.. it looks like foam would fall off pretty fast. da cloth ones look like they would stay on better am i rite
  2. my friend does jo gu ryu and wants to got to a martial arts tornament we live in new york no any1' coming soon?
  3. iu say those leg strechers that are liek 150$$ but thers 1 thats only 30 but its not like the other 1's its 2 things of metal u put your legs on and thers a stick in the middle that u pull to strech ur legs father out if u no wat im talking bout tell em if htis think works or u think it works?????
  4. what are common edged weapons for filipino kali?what are the most popular?
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