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mkultra's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Thanks. What is meant by chambering? and as for the left hook, I have only been doing MT a few weeks but they always tell me to hop into the left hook with your lead leg so you kind of spin into it with your legs. As far as im aware in western boxings version of the left hook the feet will stay planted and the spin comes from the hips. It seems to me that the western style left hook is much harder but then I am a noob. Any insight into that one. Thanks again.
  2. Hi Sorry if this has been asked before but what is the difference between the 2 styles of roundhouse. How does the launch , strike and return differ , I know 1 uses the foot while the other uses the shin . Also can anyone explain the difference between a boxers left hook and a muay thai left hook? Thanks
  3. http://www.cityonfire.com/unknown/interviews/lewis/
  4. http:// http://www.cityonfire.com/unknown/interviews/lewis/
  5. Here is some good stuff by a guy who knew BL better than most ] http://www.cityonfire.com/unknown/interviews/lewis/[/url]
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