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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Isshinryu, Iaido
  • Location
    Richmond VA
  • Interests
    Isshinryu, fiction writing, film production, animation, literature
  • Occupation

RONNIN's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Any knowledge of Isshinryu Videos outside of those performed by Uezi I would be most grateful for. I apologize if I have stolen the thunder of the original thread.
  2. I must ask forgiveness for this post before I even start it, I know this is my responsibility but my research skills seem lacking in the quest thus far. I'm looking for any and all Martial Arts tournaments in Virginia. If I may compete or merely must spectate is beyond the point, any knowledge you carry of such events would be deemed most valueble. My thanks in advance.
  3. THAT'S BECAUSE IT ISN'T. Isshinryu is my style, and I am sorry to say for all it's differences with other karate styles one thing remains: Political Coruption. If you are worried about copyrights and legal franchiseing than get out of the Martial Arts bussiness, we have no time for you. The ridiculusness behind what is being said here, this "Isshinryu Jujitsu" makes me so sick I literally just vomitted. And people wonder why I hide from dojo's and train so slowly through only trusted friends and far off collieges? I would love nothing more than to prove to the world that styles like this, that bind themselves to clauses, orginizations, and contracts, are so much nonsence, and that's quite easy to do. What Okinawain fisherman do you know who belongs to the IWKA? Now despite that, would any of you dare to challange someone who grew up free of this silly orginizations but has made Karate there bread and water? I think not.
  4. I wish to eliminate the multicolor belt system and return to white-to-black. I'd also like to kill the organizations which led to so much bickering it's pointless almost to even look at a book on my style now. The obsession with leniage, while understandable, is an unafordable handicap for my style to advance itself which was Shimabuku's wish.
  5. I wittness a new term in the subject line of this topic. Can I please be educated?
  6. I believe this is where the 'art' in martial art comes into play very strongly. The style of each individual fighter varies greatly. As the battle progresses you are likely to adjust yourself to the opponet, but to begin with you must feel your way through it, use better judgement. I love this part of it.
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