HI there. Just wanted to add my 2 cents on the Dim-Mak discussion. Dim-Mak is a real, proven martial art. The art is not used soley for killing. Its also a healing art. Traditional Chinese Medicine focuses a large portion on dim-mak(pressure points, nerve centers, meridians, etc.), and is very helpful to people that have illnesses and get treated with this. Dim-Mak is scientifically proven, because dim-mak is nothing other than accupuncture. Certain points can be touched, tapped, stuck, grabbed, thumped, brushed, pushed that can heal or kill. Most practices of accupuncture use needles because they are more precise, but every single point can also be hit with a persons finger, knuckle, fist, foot, whatever. So, basically, Dim-Mak is accupuncture. You just turn things around and use different points to obtain a death, delayed-death, knockout, illness, etc. If you ever want more information on it I would suggest books by Erle Montaigue. Especially the books: Encyclopedia of Dim Mak-The Main Meridians, and Encyclopedia of Dim Mak-The Extra Meridians. These books contain a huge amount of informations such as which points are associated with others, medical terminology, effects, antidotes, etc. Anywayz, later, Justin