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Everything posted by Fiona

  1. Wow that sounds like a great idea...It shows respect for your Dojo and is humbling Maybe I'll volunteer to clean up at my next school XD
  2. Isn't it hard to be learning all those styles at once? I would love to learn multiple styles but at the same time.. Is it hard to keep what you've learned from bleeding into the other arts you practice? Well, I only really train in 2 styles - Wing Chun and Karate. The Kobudo is part of my Karate training. It would be a lot harder for me I think If I didn't already have a decent grounding in Shotokan. I'd suggest to anyone who wants to train in more than one style to get a good base in their primary art first (eg brown or black belt or equivalent) before adding other stuff. That makes sense. I still haven't even decided which style to practice >.<; I'm going to check out a Shorin Ryu dojo and I'm really exited about that I don't want to limit myself though... I think I may try the same thing as you when I get more skilled. I think I will end up trying some sort of Chinese martial art next they have some very interesting concepts to them.
  3. It's interesting that I ran across this topic because I just finished watching Kill Bill 2... lol
  4. As Markusan said, Belt gradings are good short to medium term goals, but I students can get to focused on them instead of the art itself. The ATA TKD school I attended allowed my sister to get her Orange belt even though she messed up her form. She missed one or 2 moves but still she obviously hadn't mastered that level yet she passed. I think schools like that make belts less meaninful. If some schools weren't leniant in their belt testings and there was more than just ability and knowledge being tested it would be more meaningful. My friend teaches at a TKD school and there black belt test is intense. It's a weekend long and he says everybody who takes it ends up crying at some point it's basically something where you have to give it your all to pass. I would imagine it would be harder to test lower ranks in that way because they are so inexpieranced... but as you progressed to the intermediate and higher ranks I think it would be doable. At the very least they student should have a firm grasp on material they have learned to that point before they are allowed to pass.
  5. Fiona

    Thank you

    Indeed Congrats
  6. Wow, I didn't realize there where so many federations o.o
  7. Isn't it hard to be learning all those styles at once? I would love to learn multiple styles but at the same time.. Is it hard to keep what you've learned from bleeding into the other arts you practice?
  8. My school was part of the ATA and I attended for about 2 months. If I go back to TKD I would want to look for an ITF school.
  9. Heya, good to have you here ^^
  10. Welcome to KF ^^
  11. If you are close to this school, you might pay it a visit: Metz's Martial Arts 916 South 10th Street Manitowoc WI, 54220 (920)683-9772 I worked out a little with Mr. Metz and some of his students. First rate bunch! He does primarily IKCA Kenpo, but also mixes other arts as well. Hello, Thanks for the recommendation unfortunatly it's too far away for me to attend Hello to everyone else as well and thanks for the well wishes
  12. They Olympics are fun to watch in general, they are very inspiring I love watching the swimming it's on of my personal favorite hobbies so I really get into it ^^ Obviously martial arts and a lot of other events. I just like to watch them period really lol.
  13. Isn't the most important thing a style that works for him and a good Dojo though...? 9miles doesn't take that long to get to on bus Maybe walking...
  14. Hey everybody Wow this is an interesting forum, I just found it the other day but I've already learned a lot from it Anyways ^^ I've been interested in martial arts for a long time but I don't have much expierance. I tried ATA Tae Kwon Do for a bit last year but I think it was what you would consider a McDojo. I ended up living after my introductory lessons. I wasn't able to continue at the time partial because of money and time, I want to start up again now though. Right now I'm trying to decide what school and what style I'de like to learn but mostly I'm looking for a good Dojo. That's about all I have for now
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