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  • Martial Art(s)
    boxing, wrestling, MT, submission wrestling, vale tudo
  • Location
    the red corner
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valetudoisbest's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. dude... u were ducked long enough to get kicked from above??
  2. ok, and for the rest of us that understand... nothing's wrong w/ beating your shins w/ anything, someone said the bone will always be bone, that's true, but its not ALL pain tolerance, you are also deadening the nerves in your shins and toughening the skin anything can work u wanna use, frankly i'd suggest one of the methods that involve kicking so the reps build your speed and u perfect your technique, really the only thing u wanna look out for is lumps, don't use stuff "sharp" enough to give u lumps, cuz then u kinda gotta stop, and don't smack the bottle real hard on it, cuz i know a guy that got drunk and did that... he described his shins as "jello" afterwards, just look out for cuts and lumps, but do nething u wanna do to deaden 'em.
  3. do you really think that dominant/recessive hand makes that much of a difference in your snap punches? especially a jab?? i think u can train both hands to be equally as powerful on snap punches, cuz its more speed than stiffness the other thing is, when u throw a REAL rear power hand, like the kind they teach in boxing more than MT, your recessive hand can't handle the impact on solid objects (say a big heavy dude's chest) as well, its a real ez way to injure urself permanently
  4. Yes, that's exactley what he's saying, and he's correct, and your only like 10% correct, what he's referring to is the mentality, not the mood. You know how u can look at people and listen to the way they talk and be like "wow i don't wanna * w/ him" or the ppl like "yeah he's talkin out of his a$$ and i'd stomp him" u can just tell, the people that u know will kick ur a$$ WILL, and its because they're more aggressive, absolutely i can tell by your question you aren't a street fighter, i am, i've lost fights b/c i wanted to square up and box people, you should look into mentalites, one specifically is discussed in this book i can't remember the title of called "the sucker puncher mentality" what they do is wait for their opening, and deliver, as hard and as fast as they can, and if it doesn't work, go fuggin nutz, and it WORKS LIKE MAGIC, but its dirty, but who's fair anymore. People that don't fear getting hurt fight better because they will deliver w/ confidence and not try to switch between aggressive and defensive, cuz they say the best defense is a good offense, but they never say the best offense is a good defence so yeah, he's absolutely correct, go out and talk to people that consistantly win fights that you would consider "inexperienced" and look at their mentalites, you'll never see one who second guesses himself, they're always "GO GO GO 100%" .....another reason y wrestlers make the best street fighters
  5. on a boxing note, the double edged sword of being switch from your opponent is your angled perfectly to catch the rear power hand in a cross or straight punch, and i assume its the same w/ a kick so watch for those especially
  6. alright luckyk what's i'm sayin is when u put a head clench on someone and you MAKE them shorter than you, you pull them down in a wrestling type fashion, i think its illegal in K1 if that helps to knee while doing this. its like "catch kneeing" in a sense, but u have a solid hold on the head and neck, its like a headlock, but its open at the elbows they should b at about ur chest, that's how i was taught to clinch when throwing knees, and u "stir the pot" by pulling them side to side, backing up, advancing to keep them off balance consistantly during the string of knee attacks in that position i'm sure ur familiar w/ "spiking" where u point your elbow down into the upcoming thigh as a destruct, kinda like elbowing down on a front snap kick to the midsection to break the toes, that concept. eventually someone will do that to me cuz i do it to other ppl, and then i'll have to throw a "circular knee" is there any specific torque generators i should be aware of while performing this type of knee? (i.e. twist hips... etc) and the isolated knee attack i'm talking about is if someones... lets say, getting up from being knocked down and i chose (for some odd reason) to stay standing, if i were to knee them while they were rising, while i wasn't holding onto them is one situation that could help explain it, if someone shoots a leg takedown on me and i don't catch knee them, how should i perform the knee? what special techniques should i use to enhance the knee other than just thrust my knee at them? its kneeing while not holding on to them is what i'm talking about
  7. god damn i need to stop doing drugs.... as far as the side knee, i've been shown that as a "circular" knee, do u throw that up then in? or just in diagonally from the ground? say u've got someone in a head clench and they're pulled down to your chest/stomach and you're delivering some knees, ppl can block, yeah, but some ppl can spike, that type of circular kneeing to prevent that (up and in)... i was wondering about that specifically
  8. o, and say i get someone in a head clinch (fighting) and they don't bag me in the nutz hard enough, realistically how many consecutive knees do u think i should try throwing b4 finishing by letting them back and throwing a leg kick and i'm only asking ppl who have fought ppl and put a head clench on them (mma counts)
  9. i gotta post so it emails me so while i'm at it lucky k weren't u a green belt just a while ago? so like, when u say stretch ur abdominals, u mean like... lean back kinda?? i figured u would want to stabilize on your opponent and cruch your whole body like a shrimping motion almost if u were clenced onto the head and neck, but as far as a "just you" knee, say someone stumbles or is getting up from a knockdown or w/e (i got this sic tric w/ a whizzer (if u speak wrestling)) but i'm not stable on my opponent at all times so really i'm looking how to generate power on my knees while i'm just by myself performing and isolated knee strike into an opening (that's y i'm inquiring about the flying knees)
  10. o, i see they edit that word.... well um... wussy?
  11. i gotta lotta respect for the ppl that go out on that limb anymore, its tough nowadays to be chivalrous when that means giving away attention, i think the upcoming generations are too.... "*" i guess would b the word, i see the people my age afraid to take risks, even as little as being nice or doing something that's a difficult way to get things done to keep some form of honor and fairness, always taking the simple route no matter how dirty sometimes, so glasses up, its not the niceness i'm toasting so much but the courage to do what should be done
  12. i'd say the best thing (and this my training secret) is to do slipping plyometrics bob left and right as fast as possible, just side to side like ur doin that midsection stretch, and enough to get out of the way of a boxing glove, so a fist is that much ezier, u can set a boxing glove on a shelf or something in front of you since u won't b going forward and just watch that to make sure ur doin it right, make sure to keep up w/e guard u hold normally, that way your body adjusts to moving quickly in that position **the trick is to change directions as fast as possible, its the changing of directions that make plyometrics work in this case** then just do the same thing forward then back (i wouldn't suggest using this one a lot in MT) but its for getting under hooks, cuz its ezier than dropping you whole body and a LOT faster- especially comign back up, its awesome to throw straight body punches while doing this, or short crosses to the floating ribs i've only found two things that really build speed for me, one is plyo's but most of all REPS REPS REPS REPS REPS!
  13. alright i was wondering... since i've kinda been only given a crash course on kneeing (everything else i've been given the full run down, they must have assumed i knew the proper way to do it) and i was wondering if there were techniques to power knees i know ppl point their toes to give it a little liftoff if ya'll (yeehaw) could address both linear knees and circular knees (for when your thighs have been spiked one too many times) i'd be very appreciative o... and how do i get good lift on my flying knees, i have sic height on my flying kicks, but they're fancy two step tkd flying kicks, and i know that's not fast enough, so flying knees too
  14. when you say "knock eachother down" are you referring to a "knockdown"? (in boxing they give a count for this one) or a "takedown" (the wrestling version)?
  15. hahaha, chuck knuckles, i like that, i'm gonna use it around this town and radok, no no no no no NO you are the one who is inexperienced here, like i said, if someone wants to bring u down, THERE'S A DAMN GOOD CHANCE ur goin down, someone takes a dive, ur knee misses and they've got both ur legs in locked arms, you got one direction to go, and how hard you fight only determines how long it takes to make the trip i wrestle, and i've had ppl w/out any wrestling experience take me down w/ stupid moves... by slipping and falling... and there's always the possibility u trip, which is higher when someone's putting pressure on u
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