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Everything posted by Chameleon

  1. Thats what I think too. And have met a few 6th and 5th Dans in TKD that agree that cross training is the way to go, although there is much debate at to which point it should be offered. For now my association believes that you should only cross-train once proficient in one form (ie 1st Dans and above), I just tried it out to see and liked it.
  2. Sorry about the confusion. I was not meaning to say as part of my TKD training I was learning to use nunchaku, it was mearly at a martial arts summer camp. We had all sorts, jui jitsu, TKD, TSD, kick boxing, and many more. It was just a time to experience others forms and techniques and take away from it what you wanted. I tried out nunchaku, bo staff, escrima and some knife fighting and defence. I'm not learning nunchaku as part of a martial art, but just as I am interested in giving it a go.
  3. It has always been my understanding that the correct way to hold nunchaku is at the end furthest from the rope/chain. Obviously there are grips that require you to hold it near the chain, but this is more for the flashy freestyle techniques than the standard stiking/blocking techniques. I can however be wrong Also I beleive that the instructor is trained in the nunchaku properly. I know for a fact that the cross-training we do with bo staff is taught by a 3rd Degree in TSD, but I dont know the formal training the nunchaku instructor has had.
  4. Sorry, but as I said I am a complete novice at them. Yes you are right TKD does not have nunchaku forms, I am soley learning them as I have an interest in them. I have no plans in ever entering competitions with them. I can see why you are annoyed with TKD practioners who eneter comps, as they will nearly almost all be self taught as you say. So it doesnt matter if they are black belt or white belt, they will have had no formal of training from TKD. Saying that, the assosication I study under, have recently introduced a cross-training program whereby students can study other forms. This is where I got my first proper taste of nunchaku, and why I want to continue to practice them. I also never plan to teach anyone else the techniques I lean as I know the problems this can lead to (being both a kayaking and scuba diving instructor) Cheers for the info, much appreciated
  5. Hey guys, I have been practicing TKD for 2 years now, and at a summer training camp this year I picked up chucks for the first time seriously. Now I have played with foam padded ones and on camp I learnt some of the serious side of it, and now I think I am ready to try some more serious ones as I have heard that the foam ones spin nothing like metal/wood ones. I as see it there are three options for a new pair of chucks. Wooden, metal and these compsite ones. In your opinions which are the best/fastest/whatever? Im just looking for ppls opinions on what they have. TIA
  6. Awsome mate, keep up the good work
  7. @Spin: your site is not working for me None of the links to spinstorm.cjb.net or chex.swaza.com work. Am I overlooking something stupid or are they down? I was really looking forward to having a look at some cool freestyle spinning
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