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Everything posted by enigmatic_cat

  1. Well, I live in a small city, and there are just two other martial arts dojos here. I can tell you for a fact (I've seen them both), that both are the sportier, McDojo type places. The third option was Kuk Sool Won. I came here wanting to learn more about it from people who had already taken it, after I found the information on the official website, and the school's website lacking. Well, there was plenty of useful information on the site, but I'm the type of person who likes to know everything there is to know about, such as things they wouldn't possibly include on their website (such as detailed information from personal experience).
  2. Somebody made this quote in another forum regarding Kuk Sool Won... How would you reply to this?
  3. Just curious if it is, I don't know too much about it yet...
  4. Thanks again for the info, it's really appreciated!! How would you say that the locks/throws/grapples differentiate KSW from other arts? Well, in the Kung Fu class, we did practice our forms along with everyone else, but at the end of class, the instructor would make everyone in the class do their forms one at a time in front of everyone (the instructor wasn't really helpful with his critiques either, and would sometimes be abrasive). I was a bit uncomfortable with this, as I wasn't experienced at all, especially when the instructor wasn't helping much with his attitude. The KSW instructor in my city is a Third Degree Black-Belt. I'm under the impression that Kuk Sool Won is a bit more comprehensive than other arts, and takes things much slower than usual (from what I've read). On the flip side, it allows you to gain a much more comprehensive understanding of the katas, and how they fit in with the artform (am I correct here?) Most martial arts places charge on average about 45-50 dollars/month here... then again our cost of living here is much lower than you would find anywhere else, so I'm thinking that it might be less than 70-100 dollars (hopefully, since I'm a poor College student), I'll call the dojo to make sure tomorrow. I'm thinking of going to watch the adult class tomorrow, to gauge how it is . Here's hoping that it'll be great! [EDIT] One more thing, might you have any more KSW videos? I'm still curious, hehe.
  5. Another question, how much should I expect to pay monthly for a class like this? What's a reasonable price?
  6. Thank you for the video Mr. Lopez, it's really great! I have another question, what aspects of martial arts is the focus of Kuk Sool Won? I know Tae Kwon Do focuses on Kicks more than punches, and Jiu Jitsu and Judo with grappling and throwing, but KSW? It's hard to find much information regarding KSW when it isn't too popular, but I guess that's a good thing, since there's nil chance of it being a McDojo, right? Also, I've recently attended a free session in a Shaolin Kung Fu dojo, but I refused to go back since the instructor wasn't a very nice guy at all, he'd have been trying to work with . One thing I noticed is that it was a very competitive school, after each session, he'd make each student practice his forms in front of everyone else, regardless of their experience (even me, as a FIRST timer). I wasn't comfortable enough to do it at that time, but it was a requirement apparently. Is it common to do this in Kuk Sool Won dojos, or any martial art dojo in general? I wasn't really too comfortable doing it at that time, especially since I'm very clumsy to begin with, hehe.
  7. I'm a 21 year old male, and I was curious about Kuk Sool Won. I'm totally new to the Martial Arts experience, and any information and help would be great! For a person without much physical expertise (somewhat of a computer nerd, and not very good at sports), how might I fare? How acrobatic is the art, and how physically demanding is it compared to other Martial Arts? Is there any general information (besides the stuff I've read on the official site) that I should know? How applicable is this art to real life situations pertaining to self defense? Is it generally a sporty art, or is it a combative art (Flash vs. Function, I guess)? I'm not too interested in the competitive aspect of it, it's something I want to pursue in tandem with my school life (University student pursuing a CS degree) at my own pace, for my own physical and mental self improvement. Is this art a good one for me? The website of the dojo in my city is here... http://kswbrown.com/ What do you all think? Can you tell if it's one of these McDojos I keep hearing about? Thank you all for your time, it's greatly appreciated!
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