honestly i'd learn the fan. it has become a very popular weapon at my school and the kata is really impressive. i know my instructor got it from a video but i don't know what video, i'll try to find out this week. or if you're really patient and can wait until i learn the kata (you have until you're a black belt so unless you're already up there in the ranks, i doubt there's a rush) then i can attempt to explain it via email with pictures and stuff.
yea we only need 7 to get our black belt (our regular curriculum is more self-defense weighted) but if you're in black belt club there are a disgusting amount of kata you can learn.
what kata are you expected to learn as you go from rank to rank in your school? i'll do my school to show what i mean. white to yellow- none yellow to orange- none orange to green- taikyoku green to blue- Gekisai blue to purple- Heian Yondan purple to red- bojutsu-sho red to brown1- bassai-dai brown1 to brown2- 5 animal kata brown2 to black- jukito-sho (spelling?) i don't know what's above that. i mainly want to get a feel for what are considered beginner, intermediate, and advanced kata and such. also just because for some reason i like seeing rank requirements.
if you do creative kata, i highly suggest learning them. there are a lot of benefits. your leg strength increases a lot and you have a new awareness of your body and balance. i started doing cartwheels when i was 5 and now i'm a week from being 17 and i can do backflips and aerials and butterfly twists; i taught them all to myself and i've never broken a bone. just know you're limits and really think about what your doing. for example- if you're scared to do a backhandspring, consider this. you can jump forward into a handstand can't you? it's the same distance and the same jump requirement to jump backwards into one. thinking like that will really get you to progress quickly. also- buy a trampoline. they're the best thing ever.
any related information, this is something i wanna work toward. i was kind of hoping to find a website with clips of this but google is being an * today so if you can find anything on this, it'd be great. (i'm not looking for buying a video, not that obsessed... yet)