Thanks for all your advice people. Now listen: I have always had the odds against me since I have been sparring. I am NOT just another 3 classes a week Karate guy who’s happy just the way he is going. I had to struggle hard to get to where I am now, and I had often failed and humiliated myself before but the only thing that kept me going was purely my willpower. Some people say that it was not willpower; it was me being obsessive, whatever you call it, that is what works for me to push my limits each time. With all due respect Sensei you don’t know me, and you don’t know some of my fellow Karate Ka who are going to trash me like anything, in the dojo and especially outside the dojo( that itself is dangerous becaouse then probably I'll have a fight wih them). Sorry Sensei, but I will train extra hard now and I will participate in this tournament, winning or losing comes later, I have to at least try my best, if that’s not good enough, I DESERVE to lose. And Coco thanks for reminding me of the reverse to the ribs, I almost forgot that since I reverse to the solar plexus and stomach all the time. By the way can anyone here tell me how to avoid wet eyes after a punch to the nose? Its really annoying because until I rub my eyes clean I am almost blind for like 2-3 seconds, and that’s a long time.