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Martial Art(s)
Modern Army Combatives, Okinawa Kenpo, BJJ, Submission Wrestling, Defense Tactics System
DeadCell's Achievements

Yellow Belt (2/10)
Harsh and Scary - UK School Shut Down By Intruders
DeadCell replied to ArmorOfGod's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Another mcdojo, I'd like to see somebody try that at my school...It would be a bad day for them. -
Question about Martial Arts with a lot of joint locks?
DeadCell replied to Mtal's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
If you get into a fight you seldomly get to choose where the fight ends up thats why no matter what art you train its good to have a grappling backgound. boxer - get punched in the face. kickboxer - get kicked in the face. grappler - get choked out. As far as "locks" I will take what you mean by this as a Martial Art whose main focus is on small joint manipulation rather than grappling which requires obtaining a good postion on the ground. I will use aikido for instance, nobody is just going to allow you to grab their wrist and flip you around. They are going to use strikes to knock you out. Effective, no. I think the last thing you would be thinking about is going to jail. Any normal person who is jumped is thinking only of survival...fight or flight. But you have probably never been jumped on the street. -
I read (I can can get the exact qoute if need be) that Bruce Lee regretted the name JKD. It's a philosohy. Can you call MMA an exact art? If you take Muay Thai and Submission Wrestling...your a mixed martial artist. But if you take Boxing and BJJ, you're still a mixed martial artist. Diffrent styles, but same concept. "Having no way as way, limitation as limitation."
What if someone dishonored your sensei ??
DeadCell replied to y2_sub's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I would kill him in a single elimination deathmatch.....ok, not really. I don't know what I'd do....but I know what a Gracie would do..... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-688501305175209645&q=rickson -
The first thing I learned from Army H2H was and I qoute " In a H2H combat situation, the winner is going to be the guy whose buddy shows up first with a gun ". Special Operations don't recieve any special kill you in 5 seconds, and until 92 the system was full of faults. Who helped turn this around...the Gracie's. This snap your neck in 5 seconds doesn't exist. H2H in the military is meant to get the oppnebt on the ground and beat him until you can pull a knife of pistol. In a recent story I heard a soldier wascoming into a room where insurgents were shooting out a window (I believe he got seperated from his team during a fire fight as any CQB operation needs multiple people) anyway, he runs into the room and shoots two guys and a third jumps on his back. He flipped the guy over and ended up breaking his neck (he didn't know itat the time) But the guys arm was down his body armor, so he took out his pistol and gave him some contact shots. Moral...The soldier did what he had to do enable himself to pull his secondary. In a book by Charlie Beckwith, he tells of a test given to Delta Force. For their H2H combat test a SF Combat Instructor took 3 random guys and went into a gym to fight. The SF Instructor came out 5 min later and had to be taken to the hospital for a conciussion. Moral...Tenacity, and will count for a lot (which all SpecOps guys have) and H2H before 92 was *. So this is so long but Navy SEALS aren't gods and none I've met have scared me. I'm trained more than them in certain things (H2H being one of them) so it comes down to the individual....and the training they have. 6 on one with SEALs (or anybody), you will probably lose...unless your very fast.
BJJ vs Judo
DeadCell replied to b3n's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
Style vs Style UFC proved BJJ/Groundfighting is king. On the streets against an untrained opponent why would it matter whether you strike, throw, or choke him out as long as you eliminate the threat? Any style is good for self defense and you get back what you put into it. -
Interesting account of a recent Iraq firefight going H2H. http://michaelyon.blogspot.com/2005/08/gates-of-fire.html "Prosser shot the man at least four times with his M4 rifle. But the American M4 rifles are weak--after Prosser landed three nearly point blank shots in the man's abdomen, splattering a testicle with a fourth, the man just staggered back, regrouped and tried to shoot Prosser. Then Prosser's M4 went "black" (no more bullets). A shooter inside was also having problems with his pistol, but there was no time to reload. Prosser threw down his empty M4, ran into the shop and tackled the man. ... When the bullet hit that canister, Prosser—who I thought might be dead because of all the blood on his leg—was actually fighting hand-to-hand on the ground. Wrapped in a ground fight, Prosser could not pull out his service pistol strapped on his right leg, or get to his knife on his left, because the terrorist—who turned out to be a serious terrorist—had grabbed Prosser's helmet and pulled it over his eyes and twisted it. Prosser had beaten the terrorist in the head three times with his fist and was gripping his throat, choking him. But Prosser's gloves were slippery with blood so he couldn't hold on well. At the same time, the terrorist was trying to bite Prosser's wrist, but instead he bit onto the face of Prosser's watch. (Prosser wears his watch with the face turned inward.) The terrorist had a mouthful of watch but he somehow also managed to punch Prosser in the face. When I shot the propane canister, Prosser had nearly strangled the guy, but my shots made Prosser think bad guys were coming, so he released the terrorist's throat and snatched out the pistol from his holster, just as SSG Konkol, Lewis, Devereaux and Muse swarmed the shop. But the shots and the propane fiasco also had brought the terrorist back to life, so Prosser quickly reholstered his pistol and subdued him by smashing his face into the concrete."
They have the "Marine Corp Close Quarter Combat Manual" on sale but it should be titled "how to get yourself stabbed and killed". Personally, I think it is unrealistic. A good CQC book would be "Kill or Get Killed" by Rex Applegate. May be a little dated but its effective. The Army bases most of its techniques off Gracie Jujitsu and you have to remember usually we we fight we have our full combat gear on so it has to be a lot of ground stuff. Hope this helps.
Just some friendly joking. I fully respect all services. We need them all. The only thing I have with the Marines is their recruiters, they fill everyones head with * about Marines are the best blah blah, but it really comes down to the individual. Not entirely true.
Well since the incident, I have constantly ask my friend if there was more to it. But he assures me he has no idea whats going on. IDK, its a strange situation. Thanks for the post Lucky.
Army is good if you can get yourself to an Airborne unit. There is a big diffrence between Airborne units and leg (non-Airborne qualified) units. I will put my Airborne Corp Against Yor Marine Corp anyday. -De Opresso Liber
Wing Chun or Krav Maga
DeadCell replied to Lenny's topic in Choosing a Martial Art, Comparing Styles, and Cross-Training
KM Quick to learn and employ. Not bad mouthing WC at all. Its a good system. KM is very effective and has very good roots thats why it has gotten a lot of attention and a sort of (sometimes false) aura of superiority. -
I was fighting this guy the other day (for fun) and he tried to do that so I had two free hands. I used one to balance myself and wrapped the other one around his head. I shifted my weight and went for a throw but couldnt, he shifted back to throw me but I just used the momentum he gave me and threw him down. Kinda hard to explain. In a real fight I would let him grab me at at, if he did either a punch to the face, stomach, or kick to the groin.
Go to the Krav Maga website and go to the locator. https://www.kravmaga.com