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kyospirit's Achievements

Yellow Belt

Yellow Belt (2/10)



  1. In kyokushin we follow usually the traditional warm up with stretching and all that's included . If the classes are hold on monday , wednesday and friday than the most common practice system is the following : Monday : Kihon (basics) and Kata Wednesday : Kihon combinations - Kumite combinations Friday :Working the pads and shields and Sparring We finish every class with pushups, crunches and squats This is just a basic layout - every dojo has their own way to practice - other things we practice are: self deffense and conditioning The contact level depends on who's fighting who - we use shin pads and small gloves sometimes to prevent injuryes.
  2. ...only who takes on the challenge can fully understand it...after about 20 fights you will transcend the victory ot loss...fighting becomes you...and you become the fight
  3. The breakings are required in kyokushin tournaments.
  4. ,,Kyokushin starts out with Shotokan and ends up with Goju Ryu.,, ...hm, that maybe was true 30 years ago , doesn't aply now ...
  5. ...at the first kyokushin world tournaments trowing and swiping was ok... ...usually wazari was acorded when after ashi barai you did a quick seiken tsuki to show that you could hit him...otherwise it wasn't valid... ...i think that might be the reason for today's gesture...
  6. here's a link for a kyokushin dojo in calgary http://www.members.shaw.ca/iheiter/karate.html
  7. The Shinzen has nothing to do with Budhism. Every traditional dojo has a shinzen and is usually composed by the pictures of the founder , symbols and kanjis . Shinzen has a spiritual meaning and is not conected with any religion.
  8. A black belt is just a white belt that never quit ! The Way of Martial Arts is endless !
  9. Good luck with your practice !
  10. I don't think I will have problems because off Enshin Karate here in Denver , yes he has The Sabaki Challenge but he only has couple dojo's including the Hombu. I think the fact that his extremly traditional and not willing to adapt a little might be the reason why he only has opened two small dojo's in so many years since he's here , or maybe he focused on the larger picture. Who knows ? Anyway , enshin seemed to me just like ashihara , actualy i asked Mike Ninomiya if there is a difference , and he had no clue , personaly I think is similar. I learned a lot in those six months while training with Kancho and the uchi deshi's and Kancho is verry good at what he's doing , also Mike. I decided that I will do kyokushin because I like it more and because there is no others in the area and that represents a challenge for me , a mission.Kyokushin changed my life in many personal ways , long story... I allready have good news , little time after i put up my site and opened my dojo I allready have response, although I still work full time to pay my bills , I am confident that I can do this. My dream is to create a strong kyokushin center here in the Rocky Mountains . Osu !
  11. I hope you will be ready then , because seems that you are not ready now. Good Luck !
  12. I like Gekisai Sho and Seienchin. Probably is IKO1 clubs who practice more kumite, that's why I left them
  13. It will be pretty challenging because in Denver Enshin Karate has their headquarters. I trained about 6 months at Enshin Hombu with Kancho Ninomiya , so i'm curious about his reaction when i'll open my dojo. For some reason he was not verry happy that i'm a kyokushin karateka and after I trained for a while with him I didn't join enshin.
  14. Yes we have Gekisai from Goju Ryu , also Sanchin , Tensho and Saifa are all southern katas, Sosai learn them from So Nei Chu , his goju teacher. Gekisai means conquer and occupy. The name is derived from the characters Geki, meaning attack or conquer, and Sai, meaning fortress or stronghold (literally translated as "closed", "shut" or "covered"). The word Gekisai can also mean demolish, destroy or pulverize. The katas teach strength through fluidity of motion, mobility and the utilization of various techniques. Flexibility of attack and response will always be superior to rigid and inflexible strength.
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