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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
  • Location
    meadville Pa
  • Interests
    Military, SanSoo
  • Occupation

SanSoo's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. One since your new starting with books and or videos are not the best way to go. But if you can't find a teacher look into the San Soo stuff. And if your into sticks you want escrima, i don't know who's vidoes are the best though
  2. the worst way to miss someone is to be sitting next to them knowing you can never have them.
  3. Does anyone know where the ninja came from their true perpose??
  4. Thank you granmasterchen. Luckykickboxer, or what ever your saying if a child/man/women ect. Takes a couple of class their a martial artist?? And Say you get in a fight, you do somthinbg to that person that needs treated right away our they might die, heres your chooses u leave they die you stay and know what your doing they live. What would you do let that person die. I agree with granmasterchen trophys are worthless what are you going to do in a fight bet them with it A man studys an art, but he beats his wife and starts fight with everyone acts like a big man, does that mean his a martial artist our a prick who needs his day and jail. You don't need to become a doctor.. When martail arts where first developed they used it to help people not to hurt them and theynew how to take care of the problem they did to the other person/people.
  5. A martial artist is someone who study's an art yes. A real martial artist is someone who learns how to fix what they have done to an opponent, some one who use's their skill for good and not as a hero or to win trophys. A martial artist gives things up in his life so he can study to become better. To be a martial artist is not to be able to beat someone up or save someone, but to beat yourself and save your self from your inner demons. Your life should be spent becoming the best you can. Bruce Lee died and became a martial artist. He became the best he could. He fought many battels but fought more within himself and won must or he wouldn't have been as good as he was.
  6. Has anyone heard of nerve cutting?? I heard its an art in which the artist learns of nerves and attacks the nerves in a fight and just takes the person out.
  7. In your mind what is a martial artist to you? What makes him/her a martial artist?
  8. SanSoo is one of the oldest arts. Thats why its so deadly. But almost every art has something from SanSoo. Lots of arts are branchs off SanSoo.
  9. I think i heard once that SanSoo and SanShou are the same. Can Any one tell me if there is a difference??
  10. In my School, we don't spar the way you may think. For staters we do eight hand combo. Which is your fellow student throws an attack and we defend with up to eight movments of our choice. This is to learn how to move and the different attacks, targets ect. For more advanced students we go free style. almost full contact but slow ( no padding just cup) then you move faster. Some people learn better by sparring with points some don't. We don't do it for fun as much as practice.
  11. Can Anyone tell me what a real martial artist is??
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